Saturday, August 22, 2020

Night in the Desert Essay Example For Students

Night in the Desert Essay I lie on a rock in the base of a desert gorge. The stone has been warmed by the exceptional warmth of the earlier day, and even this far into the night it holds a specific warmth; practically like a living animal. I assimilate the mending warmth, feeling significantly loose. I am happy to be alive. On all sides, transcending sandstone dividers hang over me; ensuring me. Beneath me is the dry stream bed. Magnificent cottonwoods develop along it; their tormented structures demonstration of their will to endure. The green leaves are turned mercury by the full moon. A delicate, warm breeze murmurs through the trees, confessing to insider facts. The breeze is peculiarly perfumed with jasmine and other extraordinary smells. The spotless smell of warm sandstone is ubiquitous. Warm, velvet sand covers the scene; broken to a great extent by fragrant sagebrush. Everything is lit with an ethereal, extraordinary brilliance from the splendid moon. High on a precipice divider stick the remains of an Anasazi storage facility. The antiquated apparitions of this disappeared human advancement appear to keep steady vigil over all. The curving vault of the sky above me is a profound, profound sable blue. There are a great many brilliantly sparkling stars, sparkling like reference points in an ocean of vacancy. The moon is so splendid as to be practically blinding, and a ghostly rainbow of light rings it. I lie on the stone, attempting to hold the memory of the sparkling brilliance of this astral plane before it is gone until the end of time. Harmony, serenity, and a profound feeling of prosperity are interminable here. This perfumed desert night is endless, enduring consistently, however only occasionally found.

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