Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alaotra Grebe

Many of our wetlands today house our animals so they may mate and accommodate our resources so we may survive. We treat this land carelessly; polluting it and not becoming aware of our damages until it is too late.This is notably true by the recent acknowledges extinction of the Alaotra grebe. The Birdlife International announced its extinction in May and how the introduction of alien fish to the wetlands killed off the species. We must learn from the extinction of the Alaotra grebe and prevent other species from this destiny of life.Alaotra GrebeThe Alaotra grebe, scientifically known as Tachybaptus rufolavatus of the Madagascan wetlands joins the list of the Five Great Extinctions in the history of the planet Earth. The bird species was last spotted in 1985 and it has now been confirmed to be extinct (Walker, 2010).Scientists claim that the Alaotra Grebe is the first extinction that has been caused by man and therefore becomes the sixth great extinction to be recorded in the histor y of the earth (Wu, 2010). The other five earlier extinctions include the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction that swept the dinosaurs from the face of the Earth (McCarthy, 2010). This extinction was characterized by 75 percent of the species being wiped out in the last 65 million years (McCarthy, 2010).A meteorite that hit the earth is suggested to have resulted to this great catastrophe. Another example of extinctions was the Triassic-Jurassic extinction which occurred in about 205 million years ago and a number of non-dinosaur species got wiped (McCarthy, 2010). The dinosaurs were then left with minimal terrestrial competition. The last 251 million years also saw the vanishing of 96 percent of marine species and an additional 70 percent of land species (McCarthy, 2010).This extinction was known as the Permina-Triassic or The Great Dying. Another prolonged extinction, the late Devonian took over 2 decades from 360 to 375 million years ago (McCarthy, 2010). The fifth extinction, the Ord ovidician-Silurian was recorded as the second worst of all extinctions and it happened between 440 and 450 million years ago (McCarthy, 2010).Alaotra grebe was a medium sized rusty-colored bird which inhabited Lake Alaotra and areas surrounding Madagascar. The bird was thought of having problems flying for long distances perhaps because of having tiny wings. The bird lived sedentary mainly inhabiting the lakes and the surrounding ponds. The Alaotra grebes started vanishing in 1980s when only 12 birds were spotted at Lake Alaotra in December 1982. In September 1985, two birds were spotted in Lake Alaotra near Andreba.Afterwards in 1985, 1986 and 1988, some of the birds sharing same characteristics with Alaotra grebe were spotted although these birds were just thought to be hybrids of grebe and another species. Experts made surveys and visits to Lake Alaotra in 1999 and 2000 but never found any species of grebe or any of the birds of the genus Tachybaptus. This was an indication of fu ll extinction since there have not been any direct observations that have been made on the species.Chances of having the birds surviving at present are negligible since recent visits to Lake Amparihinandriamabavy which is near Lake Alaotra have shown no evidence of the grebe species surviving. As a result, officials of BirdLife International announced that the bird was extinct and declared that the species be included in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of the Five Great Extinction (McCarthy, 2010).This extinction is yet another whip to environmental economics as scarce resources such as biodiversity keep vanishing from our wetlands. In the future, these resources will no more be seen by our children as more extinction continues to take place. Birds form an important part of our environments in sustaining the food web and acting as tourist attractions thus earning income. The vanishing of Alaotra grebe means that these benefits are no more going to be realized in the future.Madagascar and Environmental EconomicsThe Madagascar wetlands form an essential site for birds as well as other biodiversity. The wetlands are a source of food and water to the Madagascan populations and to millions of people globally. However, these wetlands are very fragile environments and can be polluted and disturbed easily as in the case of Madagascar (Wu, 2010).Madagascar has been an example so that the world can learn that human actions on biodiversity can have grave consequences to the environment and the world economy (Wu, 2010). Elsewhere in Cuba, people introduced alien species and the Zapata rail is feared of extinction (Patt, 2010).   The introduction of exotic fish and mongooses has had serious impacts on the Zapata rail and joins the Madagascan case of Alaotra grebe extinction (McCarthy, 2010).Fishermen in Madagascar are blamed to have caused the serious environmental damage by covering much of the lake with nylon nets. The monofilamen t nylon nets have the potential of killing diving waterbirds. While the fishermen in Madagascar introduced the nets after significant extinction of Alaotra grebe had occurred, this action is blamed to have led to further extinction of the remaining grebe species.The goal of the government in Madagascar as well as in the entire world in the protection of biodiversity has been missed. According to policy makers and scientists, the vanishing of the rusty-colored bird, Tachybaptus rufolavatus was due to the failure of the government of Madagascar to prioritize an important aspect of conservation of the delicate and sensitive biodiversity.The extinction of the grebe species has significant effect to the country’s economy. It can be said that the plan for the people of Madagascar to have more fish by killing the grebe species was a missed target.While it is a common practice for governments to check for solutions that will mitigate pests and diseases affecting the fish industry, th e introduction of carnivorous fish was a missed target according to Gross and Williams (2010). The economists may agree that the action was reasonable as the fish pests were eliminated but the same argument must be exposed to political and ethical criticism.It however seems that nothing makes people persuaded other than financial gain and the people of Madagascar were easily lured with financial benefits. As a consequence, the helpless grebe species continued to be decreased to extinction level for the sake of money obtained from fish trading.Environmental economists in deed differ from other financial economists in one aspect: the valuing of biodiversity among all other benefits. While the actions to kill the birds using nylon gillnets and drowning them could result to more fish as the competition pressure would be reduced, environmental economists would view this as a loss to the entire biodiversity.The importance of wild nature for societies and industries is frequently mentioned as a political argument and an additional interest to protect our biodiversity. It was necessary for the government of Madagascar to have this approach of environmental economists to save the dear bird species Alaotra grebe.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Angel Dust The bed of Simon's pickup was full of beer-sodden Animals enjoying the morning fog and speculating on the marital status of the new cashier. She had smiled at Tommy when she arrived, driving the Animals into a psychosexual frenzy. â€Å"She looked like she was being towed through the store by two submarines,† said Simon. â€Å"Major hooters,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Major-league hooters.† Tommy said, â€Å"Can't you guys see more in a woman than T and A?† â€Å"Nope,† said Troy. â€Å"No way,† said Simon. â€Å"Spoken like a guy who has a live-in girlfriend,† said Lash. â€Å"Yeah,† Simon said. â€Å"How come we never see you with the little woman?† â€Å"Seagull! â€Å"shouted Barry. Simon pulled a pump shotgun from under a tarp in the truck bed, tracked on a seagull that was passing over, and fired. â€Å"Missed again!† shouted Barry. â€Å"You can't kill them all, Simon,† Tommy said, his ears ringing from the blast. â€Å"Why don't you just cover your truck at night?† Simon said. â€Å"You don't pay for twenty coats of hand-rubbed lacquer to cover it up.† The shotgun went under the tarp and the manager came through the front doors of the store. â€Å"What was that? What was that?† He was scanning the parking lot frantically as if he expected to see someone with a shotgun. â€Å"Backfire,† Simon said. The manager looked for the offending car. â€Å"They were heading toward the Marina,† Tommy said. â€Å"Well, you tell me if they come back,† the manager said. â€Å"There's a noise ordinance in this city, you know.† He turned to go back into the store. â€Å"Hey, boss,† Simon called. â€Å"The new girl, what's her name?† â€Å"Mara,† the manager said. â€Å"And you guys leave her alone. She's had a rough time of it lately.† â€Å"She single?† Troy asked. â€Å"Off limits,† the manager said. â€Å"I mean it. She lost a child a few months ago.† â€Å"Yes, boss,† the Animals said in unison. The manager entered the store. Simon ripped a beer from a six-pack ring. He held another out to Tommy. â€Å"Fearless Leader, another brew?† â€Å"No, I've got to get home.† â€Å"Me too,† said Simon. â€Å"I've got to clean the bird shit off the beast. You need a ride?† â€Å"Sure, can we stop in Chinatown? I want to pick something up for Jody.† Simon shook his head. â€Å"You worry me, son. Men have been pussy-whipped to death, you know.† He downed his beer and crushed the can. â€Å"Out of the truck, girls; Fearless Leader and I have to shop for tampons.† â€Å"Pull!† Troy shouted. A half dozen beer cans arced into the air. The shotgun came out and Simon pumped out two quick shots. The beer cans fell to the parking lot unharmed. The shotgun went under the tarp. The manager came through the front door. Simon said, â€Å"I saw it, boss. Was a baby-blue 72 Nova with a stuffed gerbil on the aerial. Call it in.† Jody's hands were covered with a greasy dust: the remains of Philly. The body had decomposed to dust in seconds after she finished drinking, leaving a pile of empty clothes. After staring at the pile for a moment, she shook off the shock and gathered the clothes into a bundle, which she carried into a nearby alley. The blood-high raced through her like an espresso firehose. She leaned against a dumpster, holding the clothes to her breast like a security blanket. The alley tilted in her vision, then righted, then spun until she thought she would be sick. When the alley stopped moving, she fumbled through the clothing until she found a wallet. She opened it and pulled out the contents. This bundle of rags had been a person; â€Å"Phillip Burns,† the license said. He carried crinkled photos of friends, a library card, a dry-cleaning receipt, a bank card, and fifty-six dollars. Phillip Burns in a convenient, portable package. She pocketed the wallet, threw the clothes into the dumpster, then wiped her hands on her jeans and stumbled out of the alley. I killed someone, she thought. My God, I killed someone. What should I feel? She walked for blocks, not really looking where she was going, but listening to the rhythm of her own steps under the roar of the blood-high in her head. Philly had spilled into her shoes and she stopped and sat on the curb to dump him out. What is this? she thought. This isn't anything. This isn't what I was before I was a vampire. What is this? This is impossible. This isn't a person. A person can't reduce to dust in seconds. What is this? She took off her socks and shook them out. This is fucking magic, she thought. This isn't some story out of one of Tommy's books. This isn't something you can experiment with in the bathroom. This is not natural, and whatever I am, it isn't natural. A vampire is magic, not science. And if this is what happens when a vampire kills, then how are the police finding bodies? Why is there a guy in my freezer? She put on her shoes and socks and resumed walking. It was starting to get light and she quickened her pace, checked her watch, then broke into a run. She'd made a habit of checking the time of sunrise every morning in the almanac so she wouldn't be caught too far from home. Five years in the City had taught her the streets, but if she was going to run she had to learn the alleys and backstreets. She couldn't let anyone see her moving this fast. As she ran, a voice sounded in her head. It was her voice, but not her voice. It was the voice that put no words to what her senses told her, yet understood. It was the voice that told her to hide from the light, to protect herself, to fight or flee. The vampire voice. â€Å"Killing is what you do,† the vampire voice said. The human part of her was revolted. â€Å"No! I didn't want to kill him.† â€Å"Fuck him. It is as it should be. His life is ours. It feels good, doesn't it?† Jody stopped fighting. It did feel good. She pushed the human part of her aside and let the predator take over to race the sun for her life. Nick Cavuto paced around the chalk outline of the body as if he were preparing to perform a violent hopscotch on the corpse. â€Å"You know,† Cavuto said, looking over at Rivera, who was trying to fend off a reporter from the Chronicle at the yellow crime-scene tape, â€Å"this guy is pissing me off.† Rivera excused himself from the reporter and joined Cavuto by the body. â€Å"Nick, keep it down,† he whispered. â€Å"This stiff is making my life difficult,† Cavuto said. â€Å"I say we shoot him and take his wallet. Simple gunshot wound, robbery motive.† â€Å"He didn't have a wallet,† said Rivera. â€Å"There you have it, robbery. Massive blood loss from gunshot wound, broke his neck when he hit the ground.† The reporter perked up. â€Å"So it was a robbery?† Cavuto glared at the reporter and put his hand on his thirty-eight. â€Å"Rivera, what do you say to a murder-suicide? Scoop over there killed this guy, then turned the gun on himself – case closed and we can go get some breakfast.† The reporter backed away from the line. Two coroner's assistants moved to the body, pushing a gurney with a body bag on it. â€Å"You guys done here?† one of them asked Cavuto. â€Å"Yeah,† Cavuto said. â€Å"Take him away.† The coroners spread the body bag out and hoisted the body onto it. â€Å"Hey, Inspector, you want to bag this book?† â€Å"What book?† Rivera turned. A paperback copy of Kerouac's On the Road was lying in the chalk line where the body had been. Rivera slipped on a pair of white cotton gloves and pulled an evidence bag from his jacket pocket. â€Å"Here you go, Nick. The guy was a speed reader. Snapped his neck on a meaningful passage.† Jody glanced at the lightening sky, ducked down an alley, and fell into a trot. She was only a block from home, she'd make it in long before sunrise. She leaped over a dumpster, just to do it, then high-stepped through a pile of crates like a halfback through fallen defenders. She was strong in the blood – high, quick and light on her feet, her body moved, dodged, and leaped on its own – no thought, just fluid motion and perfect balance. She'd never been athletic in life: the last kid to be picked for kickball, straight C's in phys ed, no chance as a cheerleader; the self-conscious, one-step dancer with the rhythmic sense of an inbred Aryan. But now she reveled in the movement and the strength, even as her instincts screamed for her to hide from the light. She heard the policemen's voices before she saw the blue and red lights from their cars playing across the walls at the end of the alley. Fear tightened her muscles and she nearly fell in mid-step. She crept forward and saw the police cars and coroner's wagon parked in front of the loft. The street was full of milling cops and reporters. She checked her watch and backed down the alley. Five minutes to sunrise. She looked for a place to hide. There was the dumpster, even a few large garbage cans, three steel doors with massive locks, and a basement window with steel bars. She ran to the window and tried the bars. They moved a bit. She checked her watch. Two minutes. She braced her feet against the brick wall and pulled on the bars with her legs. Rusty bolts tore out of the mortar and the bars moved another half inch. She tried to peer into the window, but the wire-reinforced glass was clouded with dirt and age. She yanked on the bars again and they screamed in protest and came loose. She dropped the grate and was drawing back to kick out the glass when she heard movement behind the window. Oh my God, there's someone inside! She looked around to the dumpster, some fifty feet away. She looked at her watch. If it was right, the sun was up. She was†¦ The glass shattered behind her. Two hands came through the window, grabbed her ankles, and pulled her inside as she went out. â€Å"These here turtles are defective,† Simon said. â€Å"It's okay, Simon,† said Tommy. They were in a Chinatown fish market, where Tommy was trying to purchase two massive snapping turtles from an old Chinese man in a rubber apron and boots. â€Å"You no know turtle!† the old man insisted. â€Å"These plime, glade-A turtle. You no know shit about turtle.† The turtles were in orange crates to immobilize them. The old man sprayed them down with a garden hose to keep them wet. â€Å"And I'm telling you, these turtles are defective,† Simon insisted. â€Å"Their eyes are all glazed over. These turtles are on drugs.† Tommy said, â€Å"Really, Simon, it's okay.† Simon turned to Tommy and whispered, â€Å"You have to bargain with these guys. They won't respect you if you don't.† â€Å"Turtle's not on dlugs,† said the old man. â€Å"You want turtle, you pay forty bucks.† Simon pushed his black Stetson back on his head and sighed. â€Å"Look, Hop Sing, you can do time for selling drugged turtles in this city.† â€Å"No dlugs. Fuck you, cowboy. Forty bucks or go away.† â€Å"Twenty.† â€Å"Thirty.† â€Å"Twenty-five and you clean 'em.† â€Å"No,† Tommy said. â€Å"I want them alive.† Simon looked at Tommy as if he had farted in neon. â€Å"I'm trying to negotiate here.† â€Å"Thirty,† said the old man. â€Å"As is.† â€Å"Twenty-seven,† Simon said. â€Å"Twenty-eight or go home,† said the old man. Simon turned to Tommy. â€Å"Pay him.† Tommy ticked off the bills and handed them to the old man, who counted them and put them in his rubber apron. â€Å"You cowboy friend no know turtle.† â€Å"Thanks,† Tommy said. He and Simon picked up the crates with the turtles and loaded them into the bed of Simon's truck. As they climbed into the cab, Simon said, â€Å"You got to know how to deal with those little fuckers. Ever since we nuked them, they got a bad attitude.† â€Å"We nuked the Japanese, Simon, not the Chinese.† â€Å"Whatever. You should'a made him clean them for you.† â€Å"No, I want to give them to Jody alive.† â€Å"You're a charmer, Flood. A lot of guys would've just paid the ransom with candy and flowers.† â€Å"Ransom?† â€Å"She's got your nooky held hostage, ain't she?† â€Å"No, I just wanted to get her a present – to be nice.† Simon sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose as if fighting a headache. â€Å"Son, we need to talk.† Simon had distinctive ideas about the way women should be handled, and as they drove to SOMA he waxed eloquent on the subject while Tommy listened, thinking, If they knew about him, Simon would be elected the Cosmo Nightmare Man for the next decade. â€Å"You see,† Simon said, â€Å"when I was a kid in Texas, we used to walk through the watermelon fields kickin' each of them old melons as we went until one was so ripe and ready that it busted right open. Then we'd reach in and eat the heart right out of it and move on to the next one. That's how you got to treat women, Flood.† â€Å"Like kicking watermelons?† â€Å"Right. Now you take that new cashier. She wants you, boy. But you're thinkin', I got me a piece at home so I don't need her. Right?† â€Å"Right,† Tommy said. â€Å"Wrong. You got one at home that you're buying presents for and saying sweet things and tiptoeing around the house so as not to upset her and generally acting like a spineless nooky slave. But if you put it to that new cashier, then you got one up on your old lady. You can do what you want, when you want, and if she gets pissy and don't put out, you go back to your cashier. Your old lady has to try harder. There's competition. It's supply and demand. God bless America, it's nooky capitalism.† â€Å"I'm lost. I thought it was like watermelon farming.† â€Å"Whatever. Point is, you're whipped, Flood. You can't have no self-respect if you're whipped. And you can't have no fun.† Simon turned on Tommy's street and pulled the truck over to the curb. â€Å"Something going on here.† There were four police cars parked in the street in front of the loft and a coroner's van was pulling away. â€Å"Wait here,† Tommy said. He got out of the car and walked toward the cops. A sharp-featured Hispanic cop in a suit met Tommy in the middle of the street. His badge wallet hung open from his belt; he was holding a plastic bag. Inside it Tommy saw a dog-eared copy of On the Road. He recognized the coffee stains on the cover. â€Å"This street is closed, sir,† the cop said. â€Å"Crime investigation.† â€Å"But I just live right there,† Tommy said, pointing to the loft. â€Å"Really,† the cop said, raising an eyebrow. â€Å"Where are you coming from?† â€Å"The fuck's going on here, pancho?† Simon said, coming up behind Tommy. â€Å"I got a truckful of dyin' turtles and I ain't got all damn day.† â€Å"Oh Christ,† Tommy said, hanging his head.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Accreditation and Private Prisons Essay

According to the American Correctional Association website, accreditation can be define as â€Å"a system of verification that correctional agencies/facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Correctional Association† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). In order to achieve accreditation, it must go through reviews, appraisals, analysis, and hearings first. For a correctional agency to be accepted for accreditation, they at least must have one of the following: â€Å"pretrial or presented adult or juveniles; convicted adults or juveniles adjudicated delinquent; and/or adult or juvenile offenders sentenced to community supervision† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). There are many advantages and benefits of accreditation. The benefits have shown assessments of facilities’ strength and weaknesses, shown goals obtained, implantation of policies and procedures, established specific guidelines for everyday procedure, â€Å"aid in the defense of frivolous lawsuits, and increase of community support and a higher level of staff professionalism and morale† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). See more: Strategic Management Process Essay At ACA, they believe accreditation can enhance staff and development training. While though accreditation, there will be transcribe policies and agendas to help designate a training and staff development. The program will be for all levels of personnel. Employees’ experiences will automatically grow throughout all the training related to their job-related positions. They will receive current job-related training in relation to position requirements, new theories, current correctional issues, techniques and technologies. With the professional trainings, correctional officers will work toward compliance with standards which represent a professional practice. After all their hard work through the training, they will take pride in their professionalism. Through the ACA and the accreditation process, corrections has become more respected as a profession. They apply evidence-based practices which provide safe, secure, and humane conditions of confinement for over the millions of prisoners confined in this country. There are many valuable insights the Association provides about criminal justice and correctional policies to legislatures and government officials (Hamden, 2006-2013). Privatization are private sector prison used to hold prisoners. It is one of the solution used to solve the overcrowding of prisoners. With private prisons, it can help reduce the cost of incarcerating prisoners in an overcrowding prison (Joel, 2013). During the past couple of decades, prison population has increase. To solve this problem, it would require higher taxes on the people to build more prisons. The people responded by refusing to pay higher taxes to the government to build more prisons. Unable to solve the overcrowding of prison, a solution occurred to build private prisons to decrease overcrowding prisons. During the mid-1980s, private business interests saw the overcrowding prison as a profit and a way to expand their businesses. Corrections Corporation of America, the first modern private business was the first to emerge and established itself in 1984. The contract for the facility in Hamilton County, Tennessee was awarded to Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). It was the first time any government in the country to ever contract the entire jail operation to a private operator (Smith, 1996-2013). Privatization of prisons is thought to be more cost-effective and more efficient than public prisons (Smith, 1996-2013). Through some research to doubt on these claims, evidence show private prisons did not live up to its expectations. Research showed private prisons were no different from public prisons. In private prisons, lower staff and training may likely increase incidents of violence and escapes. With a nationwide study conducted, assaults on prison guards by inmates occur more frequently than in government-run prisons (Smith, 1996-2013). The study also show inmates assaulting other inmates occurred more often in private prisons. Concerning private vs. public prisons, there is no comparison between the two. Private prisons does not exactly help reduce the cost in public prisons. With few staffing and increase of proper training, it is likely to have more problems in private prisons than public prisons.

Coley's toxins and alternative medicine in cancer treatment Article

Coley's toxins and alternative medicine in cancer treatment - Article Example Coley’s toxins are also referred to as Coley’s vaccine and mixed bacterial vaccine. William Coley’s contribution toward bacterial immunotherapy of tumors and cancers can never be overlooked; however, the myths associated with use of Coley’s toxins have hindered the path towards understanding the exact phenomenon that Coley claimed to have observed (Nauts et al., 1953). One of the supporting claims for using the Coley’s toxins is that they activate the defense mode of macrophages (Starnes, 1992). Naturally the tumor cells in the body are not considered as antigen, and therefore, macrophages predominantly exist in repair mode (Coley and Higinbotham, 1936). Thus the injection of foreign particles or foreign agents into the body instigates an immune response, due to which macrophages target the tumor (Bickels et al., 2002). One must not overlook the success rate of Coley’s treatment; perhaps his method was more efficient than the modern day immunotherapy trials. Coley injected 104 cancer patients with his toxins, out of which 50% survived was for more than 5 years, while 20% of the patients survived longer than 20 years(Tsung and Norton, 2006). The question to ponder is what are the causes that lead to the variation in outcomes of immunotherapy? Why some patients perform better with immunotherapies, and why some struggle to cope with it? Therefore, there is a dire need for understanding the mechanism of action of Coley’s toxins. Another component of the Coley’s toxins is lipopolysaccharide, which is a component of a bacterial cell; initially it was considered that the presence of these molecules activated the tumor necrosis factor or TNF(Wiemann and Starnes, 1994). TNF is a molecule that is naturally present in the body of an organism, and it is reported to play a crucial role in i nitiating necrotic activity

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Multi-national operation and risk management of Renishaw plc Essay

Multi-national operation and risk management of Renishaw plc - Essay Example It also deals in production of healthcare products. Among what it produces are medical devices, surgical robots, and planning software used for stereotactic neurosurgery for products. The company manufactures dental CAD/CAM and stereotactic neurological systems. The company sent its products to all markets in the world (Thomas 2012). This is a company with its base in the UK and has operations throughout the world. Renishaw Plc offers services in 35 key markets, including Australia, Europe, United States, and Japan among others. The UK and Germany are two of its largest markets (Grant 2007). Especially the Western Europe markets, which are the largest source of purchasing power accounting for 28% of the worldwide total in 2012. In addition, the company has more than 60 offices in 32 countries with 94% of its sales realized outside the UK. The reputation as exhibited by the company has made it receive numerous awards among them the fifth Queen’s Awards (Grant 2007). This is a public company listed in the London Stock Exchange with an employee base of over 3,092; it is also a constituent of FTSE 250 Index. However, this number grows progressively at the rate of 11.8% yearly. This is partly because of the business in which the company is engaged in of manufacturing an assortment of test-probe and measurement system that are applied in industrial operations. Its latest sales as at June 2013 were recorded at $ 527.5 Million with a growth of 1.8% from the previous year’s sales figures. Its net income was recorded at $ 105.6 Million with an income growth of 2.8% annually. The firm as well gains its competitive strengths from its competitors, which include - Badger Meter, Inc; Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited; Controlotron Corporation among many others (Aguilar 2004). Financial Ratio Analysis is a technique that is employed when analyzing the financial performance of a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Discussion question - Essay Example t they are self-evident and inalienable (MacKinnon, 76).† In fact, American Declaration of Independence 1776 is the clearer formulation of this concept. Thomas Jefferson mentions a quote about the equal rights of all men â€Å"....... that all men are created equal, .......... with certain inalienable rights........† This is the source for ascertaining what should be weighed â€Å"natural right.† Another time, the U.S. Border Patrol Agents’ similar assertion from the case when they state it is justified for the reason that a considerable amount of Latinos in border regions are in America illicitly (MacKinnon, 76) their assertion moves against the â€Å"natural right† in accordance to what Jefferson told. Moreover, the statement disagrees with the equality principle. Author also defines the principle of equality in this book as, â€Å"It is unjust to treat people differently in ways that deny to some of them significant social benefits unless we can show that there is a difference between them that is relevant to the differential treatment (MacKinnon 196).† America has archaic laws regarding drugs. Against the trade of drugs, the law enforcement has been very restricted to imprisoning causal drug users. In Mexico, the drug lobbies, and the prison lobbies that are operated privately, both expend obscene amounts of wealth, to see that recreational drugs stay illicit. Until the U.S. laws are restructured, the jails will be overloaded, with people who are young, incarcerated for non-violent offences, like use or possession of just a small amount of drugs. As noted by Auroch, most of the privately operated jails are owned by the â€Å"1 per cent,† and the Republican Party is controlled by this â€Å"1 per cent†. ( 2010) However, it is obviously not accepted and the U.S. government should consider this massive issue and make suitable laws about this because this is against the human

Friday, July 26, 2019

Continental Drift Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Continental Drift Theory - Essay Example In the last part of the 20th century, modern investigations have led to the evidence of sea-floor spreading or the diversion of ocean floor from the mod-ocean ridges. Under geometric continental reconstructions evidence, Wegener proposed that the coastline geography of the continents on either side of the Atlantic Ocean have pattern and can be fitted back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Example of which are the coastlines of western Africa and eastern South America (Rogers, 2008, 93). In addition, Wegener reiterated it is the end of the submerged continental shelf that marks the line of the originally-joined continents and not the coastline-fit misconception. Geological match and continuity of structure evidence explained how there are similar rock types, succession of strata or igneous bodies which have unique characteristics were found on either side of the ocean. This evidence was observed in the similarities of the rock strata and geological structures of the Appalachian and Caled onian mountain belts of eastern USA and northwestern Europe, as well as the Precambrian rocks and geological structures similarity observed between South America and Africa (Rogers, 2008, 95). ... The modern evidence gathered during the latter part of the 20th century which has made the continental drift theory acceptable is the sea-floor spreading evidence. Modern geologists had explained the inaccessible ocean floor in Wegener’s theory and discovered striped patterns of magnetic polarities at both sides of the ocean and on mid-ocean ridges (Frisch, Meschede & Blakey, 2011, 3). Scientists and physicists during Wegener’s time rejected his idea because the forces suggested by Wegener are too weak to explain the drift of the continents. Furthermore, the lack of strong mechanism to drive continents across the ocean basins’ questioned the credibility of the Wegener’s continental drift theory, particularly the use of scientific method. During that time, Americans believed that scientific method is empirical, inductive, modest, holding close to the object of study, and is resistant to the impulse of going further (Oreskes, 2003, 11). Derived from the form er description, Americans believed that Wegener breached the scientific method because of drawing out the theory first before gathering evidence. Scientist of today accepted Wegener’s theory but used plates instead to describe the division and pattern of relative movement between regions of the Earth surface because modern physicists discovered the sea-floor spreading and the tectonic cycle (Frisch, Meschede & Blakey, 2011, 3). In addition, the process of scientific method and theory development are further improved. The scientific method starts with a question of the object/topic under investigation. Hypothesis is identified and initial experiment is done. Observation and measurement of the initial experiment took

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Estimated monetary value of modifying an existing Assignment

Estimated monetary value of modifying an existing application.contingency and management reserve budget plan - Assignment Example Contingency reserves incorporate the funds that are to handle the observed risks.On the other hand,management reserves are supposed to handle the risks that have not been identified.The contingency reserve is the amount of funds or any other financial resources that is allocated to a project above the amount that was originally designated This is used to reduce the risk of overruns. This also includes the specific amount of time which is quantified in man hours that is allocated above the first and the original version of time that was catering for all activities including overtime. The contingency reserve is determined at the beginning f a project though it is allocated during progress of a project when it is decided that the original allocations might not be fit.In the case of the question at hand, the contingency reserve is the amount above the original allocation. This is the amount that was calculated in the first part of this paper: $13,375. Management reserve budget plan.Manag ement reserve is basically an amount that is set aside for purposes of control of the management. It is different from the amount set aside for the completion of a project.This amount is held for the sake of any work that may additionally sprout out unexpectedly. Such an amount may be the one that can be held due to changes in the rates in the future completion of work.This amount is not used to cater for variation in costs. Setting out of the management reserve has no preset formula and can be a percentage of the actual total budget. Considering that the project at hand includes modification of an existing project, an amount that is not far off from the total labor cost can be set as the management reserve. I would personally set this amount to the one set it at the amount required to fix the software which is $3, 500. Assumptions for the reserves Owing to the fact that implementing and determining the reserve budgets is almost iterative, the ability of specifying the correct amoun t of the management reserve budget is not very clear. Additionally, implementation of budgeting that is probabilistic requires strong assumptions on costs requires very concise assumptions on the elements in the work breakdown structure. Such elements are like correlation and distribution properties. This part of this discussion will look at the various assumptions that have been considered in the determination of the budget reserves. These assumptions will be based on various models as described by various scholars as below. According to Goldberg and Weber (1-7), â€Å"risk analysis and cost management†

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Animation Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animation Critique - Essay Example Animation is a form of art in which a world of an energetic picture and sound may be incorporated entirely out of nothing except for an idea. The world of animation started emerging in the eyes of the general public before 1910. During the early days of animation, it was thought to be as labor intensive as many numerous drawings and paintings had to be made just to make a short few minute film. It took too many men and too much time just to make short films and was very hard as replicas of the same drawing had to be produced to bring in the motion effect in them. A very famous example of such hard work is of Winsor McCay. He was and still is known as the father of animated cartoons. MacCay was a fine hard working man and used to make his animations by himself alone. He did not use to ask for the help of the others and used to animate his films nearly single handedly by himself, from the foundation to the completion each cartoon was made by him and him alone (Crandol, n.pag) McCay was a fine animator and took his time to make his animations appear distinctive creative perspectives. He sometimes used to spend more than one year just to complete a five minute cartoon animation. This time duration was too long for the expanding viewers of the cinema world and thus the modern studios of animation came in to being. Walt Disney was the first animator in the whole world who added the effect of sound in his animations of Steamboat Willie in 1928. Later computerization changed the whole view of this industry. Toy Story that was released in 1995 was the first animated movie that was completely made on computers and this was done by the cooperation of Pixar Animation Studio and Walt Disney Animation Production (The Significance of Animation, n.pag). The production started at 1993 and the movie was released in November 1995 The movie was a hit

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

US Macroeconomic policy 2006-2008 Research Paper

US Macroeconomic policy 2006-2008 - Research Paper Example With the global political situation ever changing, foreign policies fluctuation in split second, the economy has suffered too over the recent years. This paper describes the United States of America's macroeconomic polices in the recent years and their impact on the people. We shall consider the past three years and look at how the changing economic policies changed business interests and how they impact the overall economic situation of the state. In 2006 U.S economy was still suffering from the effects that the hurricanes such as Katrina had on the U.S. economy and because of their reverberations in 2006. The health of the national economy was facing threat, due to the severe beating that the infrastructure took-most notably the infrastructure for energy. For the preceding year and a half, energy prices had surged worldwide. When the storms hit at the end of August, economic activity had been quite robust for several years, supported by monetary accommodation and strong productivity growth. Real GDP had grown steadily at, or above, its potential or long-run sustainable pace, which is estimated at around three and a quarter percent. This pattern continued even during the third quarter-immediately following the hurricanes-when real GDP grew by just over four percent. In the fourth quarter, growth did drop sharply to about 1 percent. However, a good deal of this slowdown appears to have been due to several temporary factors, non e of which were related to the hurricanes. In 2006 the US economy was facing a great deal of un-certainty; the economy appears to be approaching a highly desirable glide path. First, real GDP growth currently appears to be quite strong, but there was good reason for it to slow to around its potential rate as the year progresses. Second, it appears that US economy operating in the vicinity of "full employment" with a variety of indicators giving only moderately different signals. The Fed raised the federal funds rate by 25 basis points a total increase of 350 basis points. However, once the rate got to 4 percent, the issue of exactly how much accommodation actually remained in the economy became more of a judgment call. As a result, some further policy firming was needed to keep the risks to the attainment of both sustainable economic growth and price stability roughly in balance. The U.S. Economy and Policies in 2007 In 2007 the data showed payroll employment growing at a rather robust pace for all of last year. Moreover, the unemployment rate had declined by half a percentage point over the past year; this suggests a degree of tightness in the labor market, The decline started toward the end of 2005 and residential investment has fallen-in absolute terms-by a total of 13 percent. This sector alone which represents only a small fraction of U.S. real GDP-subtracted a hefty 1 percentage points from real GDP growth. Housing starts have followed a similar pattern, reaching a climax in January 2006 and then falling by roughly 40 percent through January of 2007. In addition to housing, weakness in

Job application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job application - Essay Example My leadership qualities have always made me succeed in all projects that I have taken so far, and I am proud to say that I can be an effective worker for your teams on the basis of my personal capabilities. The chief personal quality that I possess is that I can effectively communicate with the customers, due to which they rely on me, and come back to the company again and again. For me, efficient business communication is the key to organizational success. The second quality that I possess is that, I like working in teams, and do not feel uncomfortable working with my partners. I believe that a good team worker should be compromising and helpful toward other team members. My third quality, which is very important in professional field, is that I am very proficient in computer usage, especially in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Hence, relying on my personal and professional capabilities, I believe that I am best suited for this

Monday, July 22, 2019

English Banking Law Essay Example for Free

English Banking Law Essay INTRODUCTION: There are three types of cheque frauds exists in UK viz. forged, counterfeit and fraudulently altered cheque fraud. In 2005, the cheque fraud in U.K was estimated about  £ 40.3 million – a 13% decrease from the 2004 total of  £ 46.2 million. The earlier year figures also revealed a steady increase totaling  £ 36million in 2002 and  £ 45million in 2003.In U.K during 2005, counterfeit cheque fraud was estimated at  £ 3.23m, forged cheques fraud was estimated at  £ 30.9 m in 2005 and fraudulently altered cheque fraud was estimated at  £ 6.2 millions. SOURCE: FRAUD FACTS -2006 APACS- UK This paper studies the various protections available to banks and customers when using cheques as opposed to cards, as method of payment. PROTECTION AVAILABLE TO CHEQUE PAYMENTS UNDER BILL OF EXCHANGE ACT, 1882, UK (BEA) AND CHEQUES ACT 1957 Under Bill of Exchange Act, 1882, under section 81 A, a non-transferable cheques has been defined as follows†   Ã¢â‚¬Å"81 A (1). Where as cheques is crossed and bears across its face the words ‘account payee’ or a/c either with or without the word ‘only’, the cheques shall not be transferable but shall only be valid as between the parties thereto. (2) A banker is not to be treated for the purpose of section 80 above as having been negligent by reasons only of his failure to concern himself with any purported endorsement of a cheque which under subsection (1) above or otherwise is not transferable. (Cheques Act, 1992). One risk associated with the cheques bearing forged or unauthorized endorsements’. However protection is available under the English Bills of exchange Act, (BEA, or the Act). Under BEA, a legitimate holder of a cheques payable to bearer attain a good title to the instrument overcoming thereby any adverse claim of ownership that might have been hold good against his predecessor. Accordingly, the payment by the drawee bank to those acquirers discharges the cheques as well as the drawer’s engagement thereon so as to permit the drawee bank to debit the drawee’s account. But this is not applicable to cheques payable to order. In the case of payable to order cheques, effect of an unauthorised or an absence of endorsement or forged endorsement shall have to be looked into under the circumstances of forged endorsements. One of the ways to prevent forged endorsement or loss due to stolen cheques is to use crossed cheques or cheques payable in account. Cheques crossing are available under the BEA, UK. The crossed cheques requires to deposit the cheques into account rather than payable to bearer does not reallocate the cheques theft losses but it minimizes the loss and thus benefits the party on whom the loss falls. Further the losses arose due to stolen cheques or loss cheques payable to bearer fall on the dispossessed owner under BEA. Thus under BEA , reallocation of loss away from dispossessed owner may not be successful in case of crossed cheques payable to bearer as the onerous shifted to bank for its negligence. If a bank has acted in good faith and it is protected under BEA for the payment made to open cheques to bearer.    In the case of crossed cheques, if the bank seeks protection, it should have acted without negligence and in good faith. Under BEA, if forged endorsement losses fall on the taker from the forger who is naturally a bank. Further, the cheques payable to the order under the BEA, loss reduction thus seems to be mainly advantageous to the collecting bank. Further the collecting bankers of the crossed cheques are protected under the BEA over forged endorsements as long as they acted in good faith and without negligence. Further under BEA, the drawee bank is protected and this shifts the reallocation of forged endorsement losses to the first innocent party prior to the collecting bank.   Where the one who grabbed the payment through a bank account was the conman, such innocent party is construed to be dispossessed owner. Thus the crossing has reassigned the loss to the dispossessed owner, thus excluding the collecting bank that took the cheque from the conman. Thus under BEA, protection is available to banking channel had they acted in good faith and without negligence even in case of crossed cheques .If an open or crossed stolen cheque has been collected by or paid to the conman , the loss is assigned to the dispossessed owner .Under UK laws , where a cheque is payable to order is collected or paid over a forged endorsement for or to a non-bank situated in the chain of title subsequent to the conman, loss is assigned to the non-bank from that of the conman. This is apart from of whether the cheque was collected for or paid to the innocent taker from the conman or someone obtaining title from the conman despite of crossing.   Where the cheque is crossed and it has to be paid into a bank account and then only it can be encashed as it will be convenient for the dispossessed owner to trace that person and assign the loss to him. Thus the crossing of cheque becomes more helpful to the true owner. However thus the innocent endorser has to bear the loss as the benefit is not in the reallocation of losses. The best example of the above is the Nigerian gangsters operating in UK and taking the gullible students who are in the poverty to carry out cheque fraud worth  £ 50 million a year. These Nigerians conman recruit poor students with promises of good cash reward for just providing the conman with their bank account particulars. By using stolen corporate cheque books, they then deposit huge amount of British pounds through the accounts. No sooner the account is credited with the collection amount from the fraudulent cheques, the account will be emptied before the firm or bank realizes what has happened. The major lion’s share goes to the conman and only a very meager amount goes to the innocent, poor student who has provided the bank account number to the conman. When the fraud comes to light due to alerting by the bank to the police, it is the poor, innocent student who will become the scapegoat. The conman mainly selects the students from Camden in North London where thousands of students from the capital’s universities congregate. Conman liberally offer them up to  £ 5000 for doing nothing. Then the conman approaches an insider who is working in the royal mail and induces them to steal a company’s cheque book. Then the conman visits the company office to collect the director’s signature from the dustbin and thus they scrupulously copy the same in writing the bogus cheques.   Thus the conman had a fortune by sharing a lion’s share in the booty leaving the innocent, poor account holder to face police and possible fraud investigation.[i] Banks and building society’s in UK from September 2006 onwards is not to accept the cheques that are issued in favour of the banks itself in a move to avoid frauds. Bank is to insist to issue the cheques payable to an individual or to include the individual’s name on the payee line after the name of the institution. This strategy is mainly designed to ensure that the money lands in the right account and to bring to an end to cheque fraud which reached to a height of  £46.2 million in 2004 which includes counterfeit and stolen cheques. This modification is being launched following a case in which an independent financial advisor informed his clients to draw cheques out to the financial institutions where the money was going to be invested. He then paid them in to his own account, rather than the customers account.[ii] Under the BEA , there is a provision with a bill containing words prohibiting transfer or indicating an intension that it should not be transferable and these instruments is termed as ‘ not negotiable’. As such these instruments can not be negotiated by the payee to another holder. In UK, an account payee or a/c payee and with or without the words only can be encashed only by the account holder and thus it can not be encashed other wise than by an endorsement. Further, under the BEA, the consequence of an unauthorised or forged assignment is similar to that of forged endorsement as both do not convey title. Under BEA, in there is no acceptance, the drawee can not be held liable on the instrument and it does not exclude in tort or in receipt of money provided elements of such liability are present. If the drawer has given sufficient notice well in advance informing the drawee about the forged endorsement and the remedy available to the drawer against drawee for the forged endorsement is under contract and this arises regardless of any particular provision of the BEA. Further under BEA , no remedies is specified for the misappropriation under forged endorsement but the injured can avail the common law remedies for the embezzlement of property in chattels generally rather than stipulating specific recourse to the true owner of misappropriated cheques. Further the loss of cheque does not forfeit the action on it under the BEA. Under BEA, no title is passed on under the forged endorsements and one who derives the title under forged endorsement can not enforce payments against a prior party to the forgery. Further no payment is made under due course so as to discharge the cheque and to preclude drawee’s liability against the drawer. Thus the original owner from whom the cheque was stolen and forged inherits the right to and on the cheque and he has a right to sue for the wrongful interference with his rights. Further under BEA, an endorser is barred from refuting the authenticity and promptness of all previous endorsements and at the time of endorsement, he had a good title and this denial will be advantageous for the holder in due course later. Further under BEA, the drawee bank can base its reliance on laws governing mistake and restitution for the payment made over a forged endorsement. Further, under BEA provisions, true owner may recover on the lost cheque from any party prior to the falsification till up to the drawer. Under BEA, cheques payable to fictitious or non existing persons is deemed to payable to the bearer. A collecting bank can not be held responsible for payment made to a thief if it is drawn on fictitious name and if they have acted in good faith which absolves the collecting from its liability. In Fok Cheong Shing Investments v. Bank of Nova Scotia, the president of the drawer who turned to be the authorised signatory of the company issued a cheque to a real person with an intention for misappropriation. The loss was allocated to the drawer under the fictious payee provision. Thus the drawee bank is being protected under the BEA if it has paid a cheque over forged endorsement in the ordinary course of business under good faith. Thus the statutory protection is extended to the collecting bank which collects in good faith and without negligence a cheque bearing a forged endorsement. S 60 of the BEA does not warrant that drawee bank should act with out negligence. However one may assume that a bank has to act without negligence in the ordinary course of business. The UK Review Committee on Banking Services Law and Practice considered provisions ss.60, 80 and s.1 of the Cheques Act 1957. The committed recommended to combine these provisions under single enactment so that statutory protection may be extended to a paying bank acting in ’good faith’ and without negligence. Both the s 82 and s.1 of the Bills of exchange (crossed cheques) Act were repealed by the Cheques Act 1957 in UK which mainly extended the protection to open cheques and other payments documents. In UK, the drawee is primarily liable to payment, the endorser is liable secondly and the drawer is the ultimately liable to payment upon dishonor. Not withstanding this, the drawer and the endorser may sign without recourse. The United Nations Convention on international Bills of exchange and International Bills of Exchange and International promissory notes , 1988( UNCITRAL Convention) specifies that the drawer may exclude his own liability for acceptance or deferment by an express stipulation in the Bill. Such stipulation will hold of use only where another party is or becomes liable on the bill. PROTECTION AVAILABLE TO PAYING BANK: Section 24 of the BEA states that a forged signature is no signature. In Brown v Westminster Bank (1964), the estoppel caused from the misleading facts from the client. In this case , the bank has reminded a old lady , the customer against the veracity of the signature as her signature was forged more than in 300 cheques and in turn she certified that the signature was her own.   When the bank was sued by her son later, it was held that bank was not liable and they were estopped from denying the genuineness of the cheques. In Tai Cotton Mills Ltd v Liu Chong Hing bank (1985), it was held in this case that a customer of a bank needs to check his bank statement to keep on watch that the forged cheques were processed. The bank’s express condition to the contrary in the contract with customer can absolve the banks from the wrongful debit. Like wise if a bank pays a cheque in breach of a mandate by oversight, it has the right of subrogation and the bank has the right to take the possession of a title or good that it effectively paid for. PROTECTION IN THE CASE OF CONVERSION: It is not necessary for the bank to check every endorsement on the cheque and it would be time consuming and onerous to do so. So as to assuage the liability of banks, BEA (1882) and the Cheques Act (1959) offer defense for the paying bank. Bank of Ireland v Hollicourt (Contracts) limited (2000) EWCA Cir 263. A suit was filed against a bank which continued to pay on cheques against the company’s bank account even after filing of a petition for bankruptcy. It was held that the bank had acted as an agent and didn’t have any beneficial interest and the legislation made the disposition void but that did not operate the way claimed. Roger Smith and Christopher Trimothy Esmond Hayward and Lloyds Bank TSB; Harvey Jones Ltd and Woolwich Plc (2000). Where a cheque has been misused falsely to change the name of the payee, then the piece of paper can not be termed as a cheque and an action for alteration against the collecting or paying bank will stand only as the nominal value of the paper and not as to the face value. As the material alteration was carried out with out assent of any one but the fraudster and under the bill is avoided save against a party consenting or making to the alteration. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHILE WRITING A CHEQUE: Write clearly the name of person in whose favour your are writing a cheque with additional information like Dr, Er, his shop name or company name etc. From September 2006 on wards whenever you issue a cheque to UK building society or to a bank, add additional information other than the name of the bank or society like account no, bank branch name etc. To prevent fraudsters to add words in the empty blank space available in the written cheque, it is always better to draw a line through unused spaces. Don’t pre sign blank cheques and also try to fill all the details like full name, amount in figures and words and don’t issue undated cheques. Always issue ‘account payee only ‘crossed cheques’ to avoid any frauds. CREDIT CARD CHEQUES: These cheques have been issued as an additional facility on credit card accounts for the last 10 years in UK. These are similar to the normal bank account cheques and can be deployed for the same purpose. During 2004 , about 3.4m credit cheques have been issued which constitute a very little percentage (2%) as opposed to overall number of credit card in operation which totaled to 1.727 billion in the UK according to APACS , the UK payment association. The credit card cheques are likely to bounce in most of the cases if credit limit has been crossed. These credit card cheques are utilised for high value transactions ranging from  £ 850 as against  £ 58 for a UK credit card purchases and  £ 120 for payment of a personal cheque. In credit card cheques, the customer need not ask for the cheques from the credit card issuer but they are issued at the discretion of the card provider and there are different terms and conditions applicable to transaction done through credit cards cheques as compared with a credit card and this is being unaware by the most of the customers. One of the disadvantages is the fraud that is prevalent in the credit card cheques as the most of the issuer are forwarding it to their customers on discretionary basis. These credit card cheques are vulnerable to fraudulent activities as most of the customers do not aware that credit card cheques have been dispatched to them. In the case of these credit card frauds, lender has to bear the losses rather than customer. CREDIT CARD FRAUDS: Credit and debit card frauds cost  £ 400 m during 2004 and devise deployed by the fraudsters have become sophisticated.One of the remedy is to insure against the ID theft. Some insurance company offer it as free adds on with home insurance policy. One of the protection for the prevention of credit card frauds   is the introduction of new industry standard namely ‘Chip and Pin† which required implanting a microchip inside the credit and debit card and mandates that consumers key in a secrete four-digit personal identification number to complete a transaction using the card. As the result the consumers deceived by the fraudsters are on the decrease in UK. [i] Dan Evans, â€Å"Gang’s Pounds 50m stolen cheque racket ‘, Sunday Mirror, Jan, 12, 2003. [ii] â€Å"Banks put checks on Cheques in new bid to beat pounds 46 million fraud, The Birmingham post, December 8, 2005, page 24. Check Your Balance before the Match. The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland) : 11 Cheques in the Post-Mortem. The Birmingham Post (England) 21 Jan. 2006: 27. Cheques to Be Stubbed Out. After 350 YEARS; Signed and Sealed. The Mirror (London, England) 10 Nov. 2004: 1. Fraud Bill Shock. Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England) 31 Jan. 2006: 2. Ghost Workers Help Fraud to Soar. Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales) 2 Feb. 2005: 6. King of the Cons. The Mirror (London, England) 11 Jan. 2005: 10. Postman Given Asylum Plundered [Pounds Sterling] 20million. The Daily Mail (London, England) 21 Dec. 2005: 17. Store Bans Slowcoach Cheques to Speed Checkouts. Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales) 3 Apr. 2006: 4. Sally Ramage Dabydeen, â€Å"Legal and Regulatory Frame work â€Å"iUniverse, 2004.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Purpose Of Punishment In The Justice System Criminology Essay

The Purpose Of Punishment In The Justice System Criminology Essay Case Study 2: The purpose of Punishment within the criminal justice system. What role does punishment serve within the criminal justice system? Consider the part played by reductivism, incapacitation, retribution, deterrence and rehabilitation as by-products of the perceived need for the criminal justice system to punish offenders. How have political policies and other ideologies affected the state emphasis on the need to punish offenders? In the following paragraphs it is going to be explained the role of punishment within the criminal justice system. Furthermore, we are going to get involved with theories and objectives related to punishment such as: reductivism, deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation and finally retribution. Beginning our case study we have to argue that there is considerable controversy over the effectiveness of punishment in reducing crime, but whether or not its actual effectiveness, still is the only method being used conforming someone who made a misdeed, back to society and freedom. Punishment can be simply defined as a legally approved method designed to facilitate the task of crime control (Carrabine, 2004), and its main purpose is to rehabilitate the offender, expiate the victim and dissuade others from becoming wrongdoers. In order to successfully create a holistic view on the matter, we have to focus on many punishment perspectives and theories as it is the only way for a critical evaluation. punishment as a social institution is an inherently complex business that needs to be approached from a range of theoretical perspectives as no single interpretation will grasp the diverse meanings generated by punishment (Carrabine, 2004). The reductive theory of punishment justifies that punishment occurs because it helps to prevent and reduce future consequences of crime, acting as a forward-looking theory for the general good. Moreover, claims that if punishment takes place, future crime will be less than if no penalty were inflicted. For punishment to reduce future crimes, the pain and unhappiness caused to the offender must be outweighed by the avoidance of unpleasantness to other people in the future (Cavadino, 2002). Therefore, it is a moral action against criminals (famously advanced by Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832) since it produces the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. Nevertheless, there are many mechanisms of reduction which will be shown below. Deterrence based on utilitarian theories, is a method of reduction and its main perspective is that if you cause someones fear, then he will be afraid to offend and break the law (tough on crime). Moreover, separates deterrence into general and individual justifying that general is when punishment dissuades others from following the offenders example, in spite of individual deterrence which aims to teach delinquent not to repeat the behaviour. Deterrence lacks to produce strong and validate evident of its effectiveness as no certain penalty prevented someone from committing a given crime. What is more, referring to the individual deterrence, my opinion is that we cannot say whether or not an offender stopped his criminal behaviour, simply because not all crimes are being convicted. Also, according to official crime statistics, I believe, there is not such effectiveness as Michael Howards supported about prison/punishment and toughness on crime. Prison works. It ensures that we are protected from murderers, muggers and rapists- and it makes many who are tempted to commit crime think twice (Michael Howard, Home Secretary 1993). Rehabilitation is another mechanism of crime reduction which is going to be produced and evaluated on the following paragraphs. According to rehabilitation the idea of punishment is to apply treatment to the offender so that he is made capable afterwards to return back to the society as a law-abiding member. Rehabilitation is viewed as a humane alternative comparing to the harshness of retribution and deterrence giving more a programme function to the punishment, without that meaning that an offender would receive a more lenient penalty for his offence. An important feature of rehabilitation is that the offender could stay on probation whether that means outside prison or inside until he is thought to be ready. Critics though assume that if the prison administrator is the responsible one who decides if offender made a progress and he is ready to go, then corruption may occur which will falsify the true situation. Finally, another issue is that an offender guilty for minor crime proba bly could not tolerate lengthy detentions simple because of inability or refusal to adopt a subservient attitude toward prison officers and authority in general. Continuing our study we will refer to retributive theory which is in total antithesis of reductivism and justifies that punishment came as result of criminality. An attractive feature is that retributivism is a natural connection between the retributive approach and the idea that both offenders and victims have rights. Reductivist theory always founds it difficult to encompass the notion of rights, even when it comes to providing entirely innocent people with a right not to be punished. Retributivism has no such problem, since it follows automatically from the retributive principle that it must be wrong to punish non-offenders. Criminals, according to retributivist principle deserve the punishment because in some way, evil for evil somehow make a right. Additionally, according to retributivism, severity of a punishment should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence (tariff). What is more, retributive punishment, argues that applies fairly and equally to all of us as long as we all live in the same equilibrium followed by the same norms and values. The main issue with such a theory is that it would be objective only if we were all genuinely equal sharing the same advantages. Detected offenders typically start from a position of social disadvantage (Cavadino, 2002). From the moment retributive punishment tries to inflict equality restoring the balance, then increases inequality rather than do the opposite. The last theory refers to the act of making the offender not capable of committing a crime and is known as the incapacitation theory. According to that, offenders who have committed repeated crimes or thought to be dangerous are being punished by execution or lengthy incarceration (life imprisonment). Such a punishment though unfortunately makes it difficult to identify that kind of offenders. Thus, it is extremely controversial the principle of incapacitation especially to those who assist that punishment should advocate equal retribution followed by dignity. An important controversial example evaluating incapacitation is the chemical-castration of sex offenders (against children) with hormonal drugs which was first adopted in the U.S of California in 1996 and proved that drugs alone did not make the offender incapable of committing sex crimes. To conclude, I would like to say that I have not come to a conclusion yet on whether or not punishment actually helps and rehabilitates the delinquents. But I am sure that punishment so far is the function which separates those who live legally and those who do not. I also believe that the fear of punishment changes people behaviour a lot, as we all are afraid of punishment is that not true? Ultimately, I would like to finish with Sir Thomas Mores opinion which finds me totally agreed. Society first creates thieves, and then punishes them for stealing. There has always existed a curiously symbolic relationship between the criminal and society. It is not so much that society tolerates crime, rather the structure of modern society inevitably creates situations and circumstances in which crime occurs(Weisser, 1979).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Influenza Causes People to Stay Home :: Journalism Media Studies Health Medical Essays

Influenza Causes People to Stay Home Yesterday the influenza record was broken as the highest number of [cases] in New York City alone was 5589 in a single day! The numbers are staggering and many people are looking at taking more precautions at preventing the disease to spread to them and loved ones. People everywhere are wondering if enough is being done to prevent influenza from spreading. The board of health has passed a sanitary code which includes the following sections: "Section 89 of the sanitary code requires isolation and quarantine of persons infected with infectious disease. Section 98 of the sanitary code provides that no person in the city of New York, without a permit therefore issued by the Board of Health, carry, move, or caused to be carried, or moved in any matter whatsoever in any public place or street any person infected with infectious disease, nor shall any person remove or cause to be removed in the City of New York any such person from any building or vessel, without a permit therefore, issued by the Board of Health. Section 100 of the Sanitary Code provides that no person shall by any exposure of any individual sick with an infectious disease or by any negligent act connected therewith, or by a needless exposure of himself cause, contribute to, or pr omote the spread of disease to any such person." However even with these strict sanitary codes people are taking further measures. Many parents that I interviewed reported that they were even avoiding sending their children to school because of fear of catching influenza. Jack Smith of Manhattan stated, "Why would I want to put my children at such a risk? I would rather sacrifice a small portion of their education for their protection and even lives." Schools are however making serious efforts at preventing the spread of disease amongst students. Dr. William L Ettinger who is the Superintendent of Schools, sent a letter of instructions for all school officials on how to deal with influenza in the schools. Some of these instructions state that "proper and adequate ventilation of classrooms must be maintained" and that "pupils be required to hold their pocket handkerchiefs in front of their mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing." Another rule given amongst the long list is that "each teacher be instructed to inspect her class of pupils carefully each day and to refer to the school doctor or nurse any child showing acute cold, congestion of the eyes with watery secretion from the nose, acute sneezing or coughing.

Analysis of Platos Allegory of the Cave Essay -- Papers Plato Allegor

Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" presents a vision of humans as slaves chained in front of a fire observing the shadows of things on the cave wall in front of them. The shadows are the only "reality" the slaves know. Plato argues that there is a basic flaw in how we humans mistake our limited perceptions as reality, truth and goodness. The allegory reveals how that flaw affects our education, our spirituality and our politics. The flaw that Plato speaks about is trusting as real, what one sees - believing absolutely that what one sees is true. In The Allegory of the Cave, the slaves in the caves know that the shadows, thrown on the wall by the fire behind them, are real. If they were to talk to the shadows echoes would make the shadows appear to talk back. To the slaves "the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images." (Jacobus 316). In the allegory, a slave is then brought out of the cave, in what Plato refers to as "he ascent of the soul into the intellectual world" (Jacobus 319). Once out of the cave the slave discovers that what he thought was real is not. He learns to comprehend all of these new images as real and true. Since he has been in the dark, both literally and metaphorically, the light blinds him. Representing knowledge, the light is too brilliant for him to see and comprhend. He must be re-educated. "First he will see the shadows best, next the reflections of the men and other objects? then the objects themselves" (Jacobus 317). He learns that the reflections are truer than shadows and the objects truer than reflections. He must deal with a new reality that does not exist within the cave. Plato says that these people who a... ...ary friend when we are younger. Our imaginary friend is very real to us, but as we get older or make the ascent to the world of knowledge, we reject our imaginary friends. We are faced with a different reality where we start to believe that what our eyes show us is the only truth. We forget to question things and don't realize that maybe there is yet another ascent, out of this bigger "cave" of the light. Human beings' knowledge of goodness, reality, and truth will always be limited by our fear of new ideas and new perspectives. As long as we are afraid of questioning, we will be willing to "put to death" anyone who ascends and returns to the cave with the truth. Work Cited Corinthians II, The New Jerusalem Bible. Henry Wansbrough, gen. ed. New York: Doubleday, 2005. Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas. 7th Edition Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Poem Negro by Langston Hughes Essay -- Poetry Analysis

The poem â€Å"Negro† was written by Langston Hughes in 1958 where it was a time of African American development and the birth of the Civil Rights Movement. Langston Hughes, as a first person narrator tells a story of what he has been through as a Negro, and the life he is proud to have had. He expresses his emotional experiences and makes the reader think about what exactly it was like to live his life during this time. By using specific words, this allows the reader to envision the different situations he has been put through. Starting off the poem with the statement â€Å"I am a Negro:† lets people know who he is, Hughes continues by saying, â€Å" Black as the night is black, /Black like the depths of my Africa.† He identifies Africa as being his and is proud to be as dark as night, and as black as the depths of the heart of his country. Being proud of him self, heritage and culture is clearly shown in this first stanza. The structure of this poem is not the traditional form of poetry, in that he begins with a first person statement then after an indentation, he elaborates on it almost lik...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Innovative company Essay

?Innovative Engineering Company was founded by two partners: Meredith Gale and Shelley Yeaton, shortly after they graduated from engineering school. Within five years the partners had built a thriving business, primarily through the development of a product line of measuring instruments based on the laser principle. Success brought with it the need for new permanent capital. After careful calculation, the partners placed the amount of this need at $1. 2 million. This would replace a term loan that was about to mature and provide for plant expansion and related working capital. At first, they sought a wealthy investor, or group of investors, who would provide the $1. 2 million in return for an interest in the partnership. They soon discovered, however, that although some investors were interested in participating in new ventures, none of them was willing to participate as partner in an industrial company because of the risks to their personal fortunes that were inherent in such an arrangement. Gale and Yeaton therefore planned to incorporate the Innovative Engineering Company, in which they would own all the stock. After further investigation, they learned that Arbor Capital Corporation, a venture capital firm, might be interested in providing permanent financing. In thinking about what they might propose to Arbor, their first idea was that Arbor would be asked for $1. 2 million, of which $1. 1 million would be a long-term loan. For the other $100,000, Arbor would receive 10 percent of the Innovative common stock as a â€Å"sweetener. † If Arbor would pay $100,000 for 10 percent of the stock, this would mean that the 90 percent that would be owned by Gale and Yeaton would have a value of $900,000. Although this was considerably higher than Innovative’s net assets, they thought this amount was appropriate in view of the profitability of the product line they had successfully developed. A little calculation convinced them, however, that this idea (hereafter, proposal A) was too risky. The resulting ratio of debt to equity would be greater than 100 percent, which was considered unsound for an industrial company. Their next idea was to change the debt/ equity ratio by using preferred stock in lieu of most of the debt. Specifically, they thought of a package consisting of $200,00 debt, $900,000 preferred stock, and $100,000 common stock (proposal B). They learned, however, that Arbor Capital Corporation was not interested in accepting preferred stock, even at a dividend which exceeded the interest rate on debt. Thereupon, they approached Arbor with a proposal of $600,000 debt and $600,000 equity (proposal C). For the $600,000 equity, Arbor would receive 6/15 (i. e. , 40 percent) of the common stock. . . . Assignment 1. For each of the four proposals, calculate the return on common shareholders’ equity (net income after preferred dividends divided by common shareholders’ equity) that would be earned under each of the three income assumptions. Round calculations to the nearest $1,000 and 1/10 percent. 2. Calculate the pre-tax earnings and return on its $1. 2 million investment to Arbor Capital Corporation under each of the four proposals. Assume that Arbor receives a dividend equal to its portion of common stock ownership times Innovative’s net income after preferred dividends (if any); assume a â€Å"negative dividend† if Innovative has a net loss. 3. Were the partners correct in rejecting proposals A and B? 4. Comment on the likelihood that Innovative Engineering Company could find a more attractive financing proposal than proposal D. Answer : A. 1. 100k long term loan, 100k = 10% of Common Stock. B. 200k Debt, 900k Preferred Stock, 100k Common Stock. C. 600k Debt, 600k Equity, arbor will get 40% of the equity D. 300k debt, 900k equity, 50% Interest 8% Dividend 10%

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Consider the presentation of Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship early in the play, in particular, how does Shakespeare make Act two Scene 3 entertaining for the audience? Essay

Con arrayr the presentation of Beatrice and benedicts relationship early in the adopt, in particular, how does Shakespe ar make mask dickens Scene 3 socialize for the listening? often fuss Ab turn up n atomic number 53ntity was written by William Shakespeare in the tardy 1500s, and is set in Messina, Sicily. The tactics is a comedy, about screw and deception, and in it we exit a battle of the sexes and themes such(prenominal) as, fill out, hate, green-eyed monster and friendship. The play centres around two relationships, one between precipitate-witted Beatrice and light- toneed benedict, and a nonher between new-fangled lovers wedge and Claudio.To pass time, weary Pedro sets a Lovers Trap for benedict, a bachelor, and Beatrice, his favourite arguing partner. Meanwhile, the evil, Don legerdemain conspires to break up Heros and Claudios marriage by objective Hero of having an affair. Shakespeare interweaves two p mountains in this account which in the end, as the t itle says solely turns out to be more confidence trick About Nothing. In the beginning of the play Shakespeare presents benedick as a light- viewted character, he does this by portraying the hearing that benedick is witty and has clever insults when he is teasing Beatrice, I would that my horse had the speed, and so a nifty continuer.Shakespeare is preparing the authority for the earshot to pretend benedict is perfectly matched with Beatrice way forward he does, even when he teases her he designs metaphors and word play, this is a form of prominent irony. benedick is the entertainer he uses witty hyperbole to express his feelings. benedict vows he bequeath not espouse. He engages in a competition to outwit, Beatrice, but his friends Don Pedro, and Claudio, conceptualise he has deeper feelings for Beatrice. strike 2 sight 3 ends with a soliloquy if I do not take grieve of her, I am a villain If I do not love her, I am a Jew strings 239-240.This draw is from b enedicts soliloquy. It shows the reference a una interchangeable side of Benedick and leaves them, wondering if he impart re solelyy love Beatrice, or if he is doing it for himself, his pride and honour. By not having Benedick makes this clear Shakespeare builds tension because the audience go forth spots that something important has not been utter this makes the audience feel involved and manipulates our sympathies. When Benedick hears Claudio, Don Pedro and Leonato discussing Beatrices love for him, Benedick admits to macrocosm horribly in love with her, Act 2 Scene 3 Line 215.Beatrice is the niece of Leonato, and is block friends with her cousin Hero, Leonatos daughter. Beatrice is feisty, witty, clever and sharp and Shakespeare portrays her as macrocosm al intimately expose care the female version of Benedick. Beatrice keeps a cheery war of wits, with Benedick. The play suggests that she was once in love with Benedick but that he led her on and their relationship end ed. In the comic there was a dialogue between Don Pedro and Beatrice that suggests this, Don Pedro says You declare lost the heart of Signior Benedick. Beatrice replies Indeed, my lord, he lent it to me awhile, and I gave him apply for it, a double heart for a superstar on.Marry, once before he won it of me with false dice therefore your leniency may well say I lost it. Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 245 Similar to Benedick, Beatrice refuses to marry because she has not instal the perfect, satisfactory partner. Beatrice rages with fury at Claudio for mistreating her cousin, and rebels against the uneven status of women in conversion monastic arrangement. For example, in Act 4 view 1 Line 309-310 she says, O that I were a man for his sake Or that I had any friend would be a man for my sakeAnd in Act 4 Scene 1 Line 313-315 she passionately says I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I result die a woman with sorrow This tells us that Beatrice is frustrated because in the Renais sance Society that she tolerates in women had no equal rights. It also shows the audience that Beatrice is in truth self-directed for her time. Early in the play Shakespeare presents Benedick and Beatrice as individuals that leave never perk up married. Beatrice says I had rather hear my furrow bark at a rejoice than a man swear he loves me Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 107-108. Beatrice puts herself out of reach from Benedick and from all men. Benedick also says, It is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted.And I would I could meet it in my heart that I had not a firm heart, for truly I love none Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 101- 104, he describes himself to be a ladies man ein truth(prenominal) woman loves him apart from Beatrice. At this site twain of them are sure they will never marry or operate in love. In Act 2 Scene 3, Leonato, Don Pedro and Claudio work in concert to try and convince Benedick that Beatrice is in love with him.Benedick unknowingly finds himself caught in the perspective of being the one deceived. He thinks that he is eavesdropping on his friends, but, they deliberately pronounce louder so that he will hear them. In this diorama Benedick constitutes that he is in love with Beatrice. In a soliloquy Benedick says that there is no shame in c touching his encephalon about marriage, and declares, I will be horribly in love with her. the introduction must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married Act 2 scene 3 Lines 207-215.This speech gives the audience an emotional glimpse into Benedicks generous and compassionate heart. Although Beatrice comes across as being very sharp, she is vulnerable. Once she overhears Hero describing that Benedick is in love with her, she opens herself to the predisposition and weakness of love. Beatrice is overwhelmed by the fact that Benedick is in love with her, Benedick and Beatrice both shift after the trick. No one can trick you into agree able someone you either do or you dont.One of the ways that Shakespeare makes Act 2 Scene 3 socialise for the audience is by using hyperbole. In this scene Claudio describes Beatrices feelings for Benedick by locution she, Weeps, sobs, beats her heart, tears her hair, prays, curses- O sweet Benedick God give me patience Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 140. This use of hyperbole serves two different purposes, firstly Claudio uses it to persuade and convince Benedick of the depth of Beatrices love for him and that what he is overhearing is the truth. Secondly, Shakespeare uses this hyperbole for the audiences returns to entertain them and to create comedy. It shows Don Pedro, Claudio and Leonato enjoying them at Benedicks expense, exaggerating to show that Beatrice is a mess because she is torn between desperately keeping her feelings secret, and letting Benedick know about her love for him.Don Pedro, Claudio and Leonato realise that they have to be very win over and put on a good show to fo ol Benedick. Another way in which Shakespeare makes this scene entertaining for the audience is by having Benedick very quickly change his opinion about love. pay heed in of the comedy in this scene is watch Benedick origin off very clear about his life and his position about women, and see him at the start of Act 2 Scene 3 mocking men who laugh at other men for being in love but then fall in love themselves, and then by the end of Act 2 scene 3, Benedick has fallen in love himself.He is completely changed and has become very romantic, and he has no doubts about his feelings for Beatrice. Shakespeare makes this entertaining for the audience by having Benedick go through a complete change of mind. Shakespeare adds to the entertainment at the end of this scene by having Benedick interpret Beatrices action as evidence of her being in love with him, You Take joyfulness then in the message Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 231Beatrice who is innocent to all of the trickery dismisses him and teas es him like she always does, Yea, middling so much as you may take upon a knifes point, and choke a daw in like manner Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 232-323. Beatrice is unconscious(predicate) of any change in Benedick. During the course of the play Shakespeare uses different types of wordplay to produce the characters thoughts and feelings he also uses different types of themes such as jealousy, Hate, Love, and self deception. Shakespeare uses a lot of figurative language in his plays this helps to show the characters is feeling and it helps to convey emotional intensity.Beatrice and Benedicks playful relationship is in contrast to the more romantic and estimable relationship between Claudio and Hero. Hero and Claudios relationship provides the romantic plot position in the comedy, and they tend to speak in verse. However through the use of language, Shakespeare presents them as being more artificial and mawkish in the way they view love. threesome quarters of the play is written in prose, similar in structure to the side spoken today.The use of prose in the play shows the down to earth approach of the communicatory play fighting between Beatrice and Benedick. Beatrice and Benedick use a lot of prose and most of the plays comedy depends on this. An example of this is in Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 218, Benedick says, If I do, hang me in a bottle like a cat, and shoot me. Here he is aphorism if he ever falls in love (with Beatrice) then Don Pedro should hang him in a wicker basket, which the Elizabethans used for target practice and kill him, like they would kill a cat. In Much Ado About Nothing the use if imagery provides insight into the characters and stirs the audiences imagination. An example of it is when Claudio says, O ay stalk on, stalk on, the fowl sits. Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 90Claudio says this to Don Pedro and Leonato, he is using a metaphor for hunting, and is saying move quietly, they prey does not suspect, and gives the consequence that Benedick is thei r prey, and they are stalking him, getting ready to shoot. This also creates Dramatic satire as the audience is given breeding that the characters on stage do not have which creates a sense of anticipation. When Shakespeare wrote Much Ado About Nothing, societys values and traditions were different from what they are now.In Elizabethan times it was habitual for, parents and friends to act as matchmakers. They selected the husband, performed careful inquiry of his economic prospects, and they brought the couple together to find out if there were any steadfast feelings of dislike between them, in order to ensure that the couple would get on in marriage. In Much Ado about Nothing this type of logical relationship is shown between Hero and Claudio. In Elizabethan times parents did not guidance forced marriages because they knew that the best marriages were the ones that were equally consensual and desired by both parties. In the play Hero was happy to marry Claudio, and she acc epted the arrangement.

Improving Secondary School Music through psychology Essay

symphony education is a field of study that involves the command and leaning medicament. harmony education goes beyond teaching of notes and rhythms to development of a person as whole. euphony touches on developing of the affective domain that includes the cargo argona of unison and its sensitivity. On the separate hand, music expands the cognitive development through the recognizing and interpreting the music symbols and notations. music needs to be change through either possible means especially in junior-grade shallow. These have been done through participation and execute different types music. interrogation FocusThe focus of the research is how to advance unessential schools music through psychology. in that location atomic number 18 various ways that slew move over to this as the most important issue is to defend music enjoyable and serve upful to the secondary school students. This can be done through applying music in the curriculum to enable schol arly persons understand the concepts and grandeur of learning music in schools. These can be determined through the responses that can be got from both(prenominal) the teachers and the learners. The decision as to whether music should be modify through psychology will only be determined through the responses that will be collected.Research Question The research question is whether music needs to be improved through psychology in secondary schools. If there is a unavoidableness to improve music, how would it be done and how effective would it be in improving the students and their capability in education. Literature redirect examination According to Hallam Susan, (2006, p8) the melody teachers are fighting to stop music in class. She says that music has a reigning psychological impact to students lives and has a great greatness in education.When learning to play instrument, it has long present intelligence and when the students are playing together, it teaches them on how t o merged and how to do things together. (Barbara, 1985,p 14) It has also been proved that music has other effective impacts to education thus advocating for the need for it world improved. (Gonzalez, 1999,p 3) harmony psychology in education can service in improving the students concentration as well as overcoming loneliness. utility(prenominal) school students, being teenagers, music has power to help them overcome conflicts.Music helps the students in improving their vocal skills as well as motivating them and modify them moody through out their learning. Though music on the other hand has lots of unessential learning, learning too much of history makes has no impact to the music learning and has nothing to total to it. This is the reason why music has to be improved and only the helpful parts would be taught in secondary schools. (Edwin, 2003, p. 25) Research methodology There are only two methods that can be employ to collect tuition from the respective parties -Quest ionnaire -InterviewingIn the questionnaires, a set of simple questions is given and either the learner or the teacher is supposed to fill in. binary choices are given to ease the viability in responses given. The answers provided are then sampled to give a conclusion regarding to the matter. In the interviewing, the interviewer and the person to be interviewed need to have a direct questioning and responses. They can either top the interview live or through the phone. The information collected is analyzed and the conclusion is met. Conclusion Music is an essential subject that should be taught in secondary schools.Music has an advantage and has been of the same benefit as other subjects that are in the curriculum. There is necessity to improve music in schools as it would help the student to always feel relaxed and concentrate in other subjects hence improving their performance. Reference Barbara. K, 1985, Music education, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Edwin, G, 2003, Learnin g sequences in Music, Chicago, GIA publications Gonzalez, G. 1999, Music Education, Canyon College, Hallam S, 2006, Music psychology in education, London, Institute of education

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ethical Considerations for Testing, Retesting, and Make-up Examinations Essay

In about organize in the mixer dodge, the excogitation of large a routine or slightly separate knock is astray preponderating as employ in seamed with contrastive prospect and aim. slightly heap recourse to this go on as their guess of suppuration their knowledge salute for a wear go away and much than than win on their part. As an unquestionable example, in the line of descent knowledge domain, well-nigh professional person lose to rescheduling of their meetings and presentment because they atomic number 18 non well-prep ard or they want to do both(prenominal)thing for the progress of the verbalise meeting.This is in the main honorable and permissible if use fitly without bringing to an opposite(a)(prenominal) want or on the some different party. This fitting is delegated and O.K. scratch by both(prenominal) parties affect out front apply in the snip control panel. On other survey and industry, re interrogatory alike pe rplexs a car park strategy which is employ as wedded up to the opera hat bear on and progeny for the involve party. few companies or organizations fitly plant their cartridge holder table and plain repeat some of their routine as turnd by the acknowledgement of bettor results.Indeed, thither be some scenarios in the actual world wherein the everyplaceture of ad solelying the term entry is applicable and honorablely withdraw base on the temperament of the convoluted raset. However, a authoritative(a) participation of estimable lieu occurs in the put on of this go about in the cultivation brotherly corpse in busy in the educational dodge. It is ordinary in the curricular system to entry leavenings and scrutiny exercises to conciliate the learn development of the pupil and to prise their accomplishment on the pedantic level.However, almost school-age child piling with these exercises as chaste ground of the foundings tearing down system which entrust influence their future day pedantic surgical process and their individual(prenominal) capacity. Thus, to light upon founder result for their test exercises, some disciples recourse to victimisation or even abusing the enrolment fitting system for the decide of polish offing f only apart results and service for their individual(prenominal) absorb. The margin of term agendum for test or re interrogatory is unremarkably base on the exalted record of the puzzleatic scenario wherein the assimilator mogul fuddle or leave rear promising confounded the punctually decl ar close because of some believable tenablenesss.This implicate be corporeal change imputable to illness or injury, family problems or sealed status wherein the heraldic bearing of the scholarly person is direly necessary by his or her family, and others unexpected peck which argon con berthred effectual pleas to absolve the say assimilator from the verbalise shape memorial. However, utilizing fancied excuses or remove abstract thought to be excuse from the plan catamenia because he or she is un mendd, hit-and-run(prenominal) and other wrong occurrence atomic number 18 thence a bring of annoyance of this system.This is mainly un honest callable to the feature that it creates a certain prepossession and discrimination in the social additive perspective wherein the schoolchild universe of discourse must(prenominal)inessiness posit the examination on the roll hears wherein they are possible risking their recreate sequence other become for picture and wedded extended cessation to bone for beat out(p) result. This preliminary is hence below the belt in the holy field as the pardon schoolchild/s go out gain more payoff in name of shell out date for eagerness stir to the immaculate pupil people.On this honourable conflict, cardinal positions must be vital dioramaed and envisioned to wit the side of the savant population and the side of the isolated bookman/s forgive for rescheduling. For the former, they are abandoned a stock-still schedule with an dole out full point for them to prepare and for the verbalise exercise. On the say effect, they must take the test whether best wide-awake or not thus, apt(predicate) risking their participation of get great marks.The latter(prenominal) on the other flip reserve alike condition the resembling assign period the alike as others however, rescheduling their testing date later(prenominal) go forth give them more usefulness for preparation. Considering this linear escort still volition already reflect a mold avocation on the plaza however, an honorable manage bequeath besides construe the transparentness of the predicament. Thus, it is meaning(a) in this perspective to plow cardinal things in deciding the appeal towards addressing the problem viz. critically con sider the antecedent cigaret rescheduling and equal view towards the occupy of the consummate population.The occasion behind individually mise en scene punctually determines its robustness and the ethical land of the circumstance. This mover is in like manner big in find out whether the line of rescheduling is then logical and ethical depending on the mired genius and elements of the scenario. The facilitator or instructor complicated must critically take the former and evidences snarly whether they are reasoned as understructure to forgive the particular student for the testing schedule.Thus, to contravene the predetermine genius problematic in the state scenario, a arguable and ethically validated reason must apt(p) to live the granting immunity and the tryst of appendage for the twisting student. by means of which, the interest of all pertain parties will be equally given and address in the multiform speckle resulting to a equitable and just effectuation of teachers spot over his or her students and the ethical adherence to the radical rules and regularisation of the academician institution.