Monday, September 30, 2019

How Greek Mythology Influenced Christianity Essay

After reading Malthus’ view, Darwin then noticed that if more organisms are produced than the ones that can survive, then they probably compete for resources. Darwin named this the struggle for existence. Darwin also knew that organisms had natural differences within their traits. He assumed that some of those are better suited to the environment. Adaptations: any inheritable characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. Ex: camouflage, tiger’s claws According to Darwin, different adaptations affect an organism’s fitness. Fitness: how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment. Organisms with adaptations that are well suited to their environment have high fitness. Darwin’s greatest contribution was to describe an important process in nature, a scientific method, which could work like artificial selection. Artificial Selection: when nature provides the variations, and humans select those they find useful. Then Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, which included ideas from Malthus, Lamarck, and some of his own ideas. Malthus came up with the idea that if the human population grew unchecked, there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone. Lamarck suggested that organisms are capable of change by choosing whether or not to use specific parts of their bodies. He also came up with that organisms could pass down certain traits to their offspring, allowing species to change over time. Darwin Presents His Ideas Integer egestas orci quis lorem feugiat adipiscing. Lorem Ipsum Dolor 3. Survival of the Fittest: Some adaptations that organisms have are more suited to their environment than others and those are the ones that survive while the other organisms with other adaptations don’t make it. 4. Natural Selection: Organisms with better suited adaptations become more common because: More organisms are born than can survive Organisms have adaptations that help them survive Some organisms have a higher fitness 1. The Struggle of Existence: Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. Only small amount of these offspring can live and reproduce. 2. Variation and Adaptation: There is variation in nature and that is what increases an organism’s possibility in surviving. Some organisms have adaptations that help them. Natural Selection in Four Steps Natural Selection Darwin named his mechanism for evolution natural selection. Natural Selection: the process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring. Natural selection happens when more organisms are born than can survive, there is natural variation; and there is variable fitness among individuals.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Child Pornography: Canada vs. Japan Essay

â€Å"We think that child pornography, in any form, promotes values and sends the message that it is OK to sexually abuse children. It helps paedophiles to justify their ideas or behaviour and it desensitizes society as a whole.† ( 1995. John Carr, a United Kingdom government adviser. ) The classification of sexual exploration , the governments laws, and landmark cases all play a part in how the people perceive child pornography. â€Å"Japan is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of child pornography and the second biggest consumer after the U.S.† (Justin McCurry, Japan to Outlaw Possession of Child Porn, GUARDIAN, Mar. 10,2008) In Japan they have a very lose definition of child pornography where as in Canada it is firm and unbending. There are many different types of sexual exploitation in Japan involving minors, some are considered illegal and wrong but most comply with the country’s laws. Adult anime or Hentai is one of the most popular forms of pornography in Japan. It is in a cartoon format and can therefore show graphic sexual activities without being subject to the same laws as live films. They feature mainly young school girls or boys and are not considered child porn. Since it is not classified as illegal anime pushes many boundaries that movies could not. Hentai commonly involves rape(Goukan Purei â€Å"Rape play†) , bondage( Broken Dolls), and Lolicon with involves sexual encounters with prepubescent girls. There are video games based on these fantasies called â€Å"bishÃ… jo games† or â€Å" pretty girl games†. Many Asian cultures have an obsession with child like women. Women show in all media are small and frail, helpless and have very high voices. This shows a value message in Japan, that women are meant to seem young and child like and innocent . In Canada there is a rigid definition of pornography written in the Code. It includes all material computer generated or actors. It can be defined depicting or promoting sexual abuse of a child, a sexual act or the genital organs of children. It exists in three main forms, visual, audio and text. Canada is very intolerant of it and has strict laws in place to prevent the production, distribution, and possession of child pornographic materials. Under article 175 in the Criminal Code , Japanese laws states that it is illegal to sell, display to the public, and distribute child pornographic material. Child pornography was banned in Japan in 1998 by the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. The enforcement of this act began in 1999 and it was first amended in 2003. Films and pictures depicting sexual organs are against the law but company’s have found ways around it that are perfectly legal and just as inappropriate. The body parts are merely made fuzzy and according to the law may be sold to the public. Many of the Japanese politicians appear to be indifferent to this issue unfortunately. They believe that it would contravene with the fundamental freedom of speech and expression. The Japanese have historically be lax on this subject in 1996 it was brought before the UN conference in Sweden. The public began to put heavy pressure on Japan to reform their laws and the government was forced to act. Despite the law stating that the sale, display, and distribution of the pornography is illegal the possession of it is not. In 2008 the government begin a campaign to amend the act to pronounce the possession of child pornographic items illegal as well. This change was spearheaded by former American ambassador to Japan, J. Thomas Schieffer and the bill is waiting at the Japanese parliament ( Diet) since 2009. While the government in Japan struggles to control the controversial media with new bills and enforcement of the laws Canada is very sure of its position in this matter. The Canadian Criminal Code includes child pornographic material under Part 5 : Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct: Offences Tending to Corrupt Morals. Section 163 of the Code describes child porn as â€Å"a visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means†, that â€Å"shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity†, or â€Å"the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years.† ( C-64. Canadian Criminal Code. Section 163.1) Canadian government has recently introduced a bill to crack down on child porn on the internet, if passed it would b ecome on of the only countries in the world to restrict access to child porn online. This bill includes accessing, creating, and selling the material and would carry a possible 5 year prison sentence. Japan is the official child pornography capital of the world. It produces about four fifths of all the films, books, and magazines that are distributed worldwide. The Japanese National Police recently composed a report showing that there was a dramatic rise in criminal cases last year surrounding child pornography. There was 1455 reported cases involving children under 18. In Canada unlike Japan, Hentai is considered a form of child pornography and can be charged in court for the possession of it. On Monday January 20th 2012. Jeffrey Bedford, 41 , was sentenced to six months in jail for having over 1,100 images of animated child pornography on his computer. Police confiscated his laptop and found 1,135 sexual pictures of young girls aged four to fourteen. Bedford pleaded guilty but his lawyer asked the judge to consider that the girl were electronic cartoon and not real people. â€Å"It’s not the situation where an actual young person is victimized,’’ said his lawyer, Bruce Ritter. However the judge disagreed and stated that anime is the same as actually photographs and the purpose of the photos are the same. This is the problem that plagues Japan, is adult amine porn? Most people in North America would argue yes but it has been so deeply entwined in Japanese society that it is not seen as an illegal act. The contrast between Japan and Canada when discussing child pornography is extremely apparent . Japan has few laws and even fewer that are strictly enforced while Canada abides by a solid definition and set of laws restricting any contract with the taboo material. The numerous aliases of child porn , the country’s laws, and important legal cases are factors in shaping the country’s view on child pornography. Works Cited Umeda, Sayuri. â€Å"Japan: child pornography–Child Pornography Law Amendment discussed.† Global Legal Monitor (2010). Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Child porn law struck down.† Canadian News Facts 1 Jan. 1999: 5804. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"The darker side of cuteness.† The Economist [US] 8 May 1999: 32. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 Page, Barnaby. â€Å"Canada Considers Tough Online Child Porn Laws.† TechWeb 16 Mar. 2001. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Tough on child porn.† Maclean’s 7 Dec. 2009: 8. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Outraged innocence; Child pornography in Japan.† The Economist [US] 20 Mar. 2010: 55EU. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012 â€Å"Child-porn case goes to top court.† Canadian News Facts 16 June 1999: 5892. Gale Power Search. Web. 1 June 2012–six-month-sentence-sends-strong-message-about-animated-child-porn

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Airport Funding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Airport Funding - Assignment Example Airport improvement program (AIP) is one such means of obtaining grants. These federal grants have a series of guidelines and requirements to be met in order to qualify for the grants. In the later sections this paper will focus on the uniform land use review process (ULURP) and how it affects the two airports located in Queens. Federal AIP Grants are issued to airports that are on the NIAS list of significant airports throughout the United States and its holdings. These grants are issued to make infrastructure improvements, aid in noise compliance, provide for safety and security. Not all capitol improvements will meet the requirements for the AIP money. The grant funds come from a trust fund that congress set up to meet the needs of the AIP grants in conjunction with meeting the goals of the national integrated airport system. Since the grants pay for a portion of the project cost based on size of airport, the airport sponsor or private entity applying for a grant has to demonstrate that there are monies to pay for the difference between the grant funds and the full cost of the project. In recent years further legislation has added taxes to airport ticket purchases for the purpose of supporting the trust fund. The AIP has a provision for airports to gain additional funding towards approved projects by imposing a charge on passengers that is used to offset financing of major capitol improvements for infrastructure, noise reduction and provide for safety and security. The original code provided for one two or three dollars to be added to the ticket cost. The current code allows for up to four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) to be added to ticket price for the purpose of financing approved projects. This will also reduce the amount of grant money received for the projects. ( The uniform land use review procedure is a process by which the city government and general public has input into

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personal assessment for management skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal assessment for management skills - Essay Example Falling in this quartile range did not surprise me. This is because I am well aware of the leadership skills which I possess and I plan to enhance my capabilities and motivate the staff working for me. 2. The key areas in which I scored the highest were motivating others and building teams to promote team work. These areas are my strengths, and I will acquire significant success in the hearts of my subordinates if I work harder to enhance these skills in a more significant manner. The areas where I have scored less, and I need to grow are creative problem solving and gaining power and influences over the employees are the areas which require work. 3. My scores of assessment and the assessment of my colleagues regarding my performance as a manager were nearly in line. There were a few minor contradictions, but most of the skills I was assessed for by my colleagues were rated on a higher scale. This has motivated to improve my performance in the areas for which I gave myself a lower score. I rated rational problem solving on a lower scale comparatively, but my colleagues have given me a higher score for that too. In other areas, I have been given a higher score by my colleagues where I rated myself comparatively lower. 4. The assessments of my colleagues have contradicted in the area of rational problem solving. I have rated this segment as weak in my assessment, but my colleagues have rated me on a higher scale. In all other areas, the assessment which I have made, and my colleagues have made are nearly the same. These scores show that my own assessment and the assessment of my colleagues are accurate and in line with my actual skills. This will help me further improve myself, and it will help me enhance my skills for my future performance. 5. This exercise was immensely useful for me. It helped me in analyzing my skills and gave me the view point of what others think about my efforts. The score which I gave myself was lesser as compared to what my

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Transcendentalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Transcendentalism - Essay Example There was a resurgence of the Idealist Movement at the turn of the 19th century that took the name Transcendentalist Movement. During the first half of the 1800s, the Transcendentalist Movement unveiled its new name and has persisted, in some form, as one of the most important spiritual movements in the history of the United States. Transcendentalism has been found using the name of theological liberal, idealist, or social progressive, and evolved over the decades to profoundly affect the issues of slavery, women's rights, and education. Its adherents have included Ralph Waldo Emerson, educator John Dewey, and Henry David Thoreau, who challenged religion to accept man and nature as finite and explainable entities. Emerson critiqued religion for dwelling "with noxious exaggeration about the person of Jesus", and treating God as if he were dead in the long ago written revelations of the bible" (Grodzins 114). Transcendentalists were men and women of science and philosophy, who had raised the bar in their demand for a religion that made sense, without the superstition of gender, the myth of race, and without the rigid conjecture of Calvinism. "Reason presents herself before nature, holding in one hand the principles which alone have power to bring into order and harmony the phenomena of nature; in the other hand g rasping the results of experiment conducted according to those principles" (Frothington 8). Theodore Parker, a colleague of Emerson, was a Unitarian preacher who has been credited with giving "shape and meaning to the Transcendental Movement" (Gates 22). These men would bemoan the impoverished educational standards in the US, as well as the lack of a body of literature that we could call distinctly American. The Transcendentalist movement was a rebirth and resurgence of the ancient thinking of the Roman and Greek beliefs in humanism, intuition, and Transcendental Knowledge "which is concerned, not with objects, but with our mode of knowing objects so far as this is possible a prioi (that is, independent of experience)" (Kant qtd. in Wilson). To a large extent this was an extension of the philosophy set down in Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Frothington 3-4). Theodore Parker would argue that "Religion was a simple thing -, a natural thing; a reasonable thing; that the only thing that God required was doing good and being good" (Grodzins 377). While its supporters attempted to simplify and streamline religion, they were often rebuffed because their doctrines varied so widely from the common belief (Grodzins 377). For example, Parker hesitated for more than a year before delivering the sermon Contradictions in Scripture, which illustrated the incongruities between the bible and th e facts of the known universe, and argued that "a man never need try to believe a statement in the Bible which was at variance with his reason and conscience" (Littell and Littell 405). Transcendentalism was fuelling the fires of debate in regards to reason, science, intuition, and things that lay just beyond our experience. Transcendentalism fell under considerable criticism during the 19th century for being what was generally known as Atheistic Idealism. David Nevens Lord, 19th century biblical scholar and author, criticized the philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 and noted its similarity to Kant "from whom he drew it, its atheistic character, and its incompatibility with a belief in the great

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Effects of Environmental Hazards on Prenatal Development Essay

The Effects of Environmental Hazards on Prenatal Development - Essay Example This essay is a critique of the effects of environmental hazards on prenatal development. It presents the impacts of the environmental influences especially during the initial stages of development whereby the vital systems of the body as well as tissues develop. Drugs are chemicals that are ingested for the purpose of treatment, to relieve pain or stress as well as for stimulation of the body. Some drugs are prescribed by a physician for curing a disease while others may be taken illegally for other reasons. Hepper et al. (2005) observes that more than 10% of the newborn defects are associated with ingestion of chemicals during pregnancy. The more the drugs or substances ingested, the severe the birth defects, especially when they are taken in the first 3 months of prenatal development. Some of the drugs are such as narcotics are infectious, leading to addiction in newborns. Research indicates that infants who were exposed to drugs such as heroin and such narcotics develop withdrawal symptoms shortly after birth. They may develop shivers, seizures and breathing difficulties (Stocks and Dezateux 2003). Other nicotine containing substances and carbon monoxide can adversely affect the fetus. Stocks and Dezateux (2003) observe that unprompted abortions are among the risks associated with maternal smoking. Bleeding is also associated with smoking during pregnancy, as well as the breakage of the amniotic sac before maturity. Generally, smoking is a potential cause of miscarriage and death of infants immediately after birth. If the fetus survives to maturity, the newborn is usually more than 20% lighter than the normal birth weight. The body size is also reduced, which is a sign of premature birth. Such infants suffer many health problems (Weisberg 2007). Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs during pregnancy, which may be attributed to ignorance and addiction. Hepper

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Connection Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Connection Project - Research Paper Example It was expected that after the implementation of these laws, education would become much more accessible to all kinds of children, even more so for children with special needs. However, even after a few decades of having the laws implemented, there were still observed shortages of teachers that specialize in educating handicapped children, as well as the presence of certain inadequacies with regards to the retention of certified teachers for special education, and as a result schools had to resort to either decreasing the services for children due to understaffing, or even allowing under-qualified or unqualified personnel to do these tasks for the benefit of giving these children their education. In order to address the problem, several factors have been identified that were observed to have been causing the shortages of special education teachers, as well as their retention within the educational institutions, and in turn solutions can be formulated so that school administrators suc h as heads or principals could undertake in order to alleviate, if not remove the issues concerning the insufficiency of teaching staff for children with special needs. It is no secret that special education is a teaching field with greater challenges than regular education, mostly because of the kind of students that are being serviced in this field. Because of the greater diversity of the needs of students in special education in comparison with regular schooling, there is also a need to employ instructors that were trained and educated specifically for each kind of disability that the school decides to serve. However, despite having these kinds of information made available for school administrators, there were still observed shortages of special education teachers, especially the qualified ones (Billingskey & McLeskey, 2004). At present there are five areas in special education identified to have the highest shortages of certified instructors: emotional/behavioral disorder; mult i-categorical disability; severe/profound disability; learning disability; and mild/moderate disability (McLeskey, Tyler & Flippin, 2003). Other instructors with fields of specialization that cover other kinds of disabilities such as mental retardation, education for the visually-impaired, and the hearing impaired were also lacking, which not only prevents the education of children with special needs but also the school’s ability to implement IDEA and NCLB properly and efficiently. Several survey results found out that the problems for such shortages were multifactorial in nature. Certain researches regarding the reasons why there were numerous shortages for qualified special education personnel, which were either tied to the schools’ policies, administrators, as well as to the personnel themselves. First of these is how schools categorize their disabled students, especially those which reported to have high numbers of students having disabilities (Greene, 2009). Due t o some administrators unable to fully understand how children are selected for special needs education or not, clashes between the special education teachers themselves and the administrators happen, for example some children that have domestic problems and thus struggled in their academics were incorrectly-labeled to be disabled when in fact these children were considerably normal when compared to handicapped children, and eventually such measures prevent the

Monday, September 23, 2019

The leadership theories and personal leadership style Essay

The leadership theories and personal leadership style - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the leadership characteristics of individuals are not standardized; the professional and educational background is usually a key factor influencing the leadership capabilities of people worldwide. The author has rightly presented that at the same time, the personal view can highly influence the decisions of people as members of various social groups, either related to economic or social activities. In this context, determining the perfect position, in terms of leadership capabilities, can be a challenging task. The researcher’s leadership style, as influencing his perfect position in the workplace, is presented in this paper. Reference is made to leadership theories, as applied in social and business life internationally. This essay discusses that personal leadership approach is presented and evaluated in order to decide which would be the position in which the author would perform more successfully, that is which would be the r esearcher’s Perfect Position in the workplace. It is evidently clear from the discussion that different approaches have been developed in the literature for explaining the decisions of leaders. These approaches are based on different social or economic conditions. This means that the leadership style of each individual is unique; still, it seems that similarities in regard to the leadership styles of individuals cannot be avoided.... the participative and the authoritarian leadership styles; the first allows subordinates to participate in the decision making process while the second reflects the power of the leader to decide alone, i.e. without being influenced by the views of his subordinates (DuBrin 2008, p.348). On the other hand, Wright (2009) noted that leadership styles could be divided into six major categories: ‘visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and commanding’ (Wright 2009, p.237). Using the above distinction of leadership styles, I would characterize my personal leadership style as visionary, a leadership style that has certain characteristics. Indeed, the visionary leader tend to focus ‘on the values of individuals’ (Wright 2009, p.237) and tries to continuously inspire individuals in order ‘to achieve long-term goals’ (Wright 2009, p.237). From a similar point of view, Cameron and Green (2012) note that the key characteristic of the vision ary leader is his ability to set long – term goals, i.e. to plan for the future, and not only for present. At the same time, it is made clear that the visionary leader can ‘inspire trust to subordinates’ (Cameron and Green 2012, p.158). At the same time, Riggio and Orr (2004) explain that a visionary leader is characterized by ‘high enthusiasm and integrity’ (Riggio and Orr 2004, p.225); such leader is also expected to focus ‘on empowering subordinates and sharing his vision’ (Riggio and Orr 2004, p.225). These characteristics of visionary leader will be evaluated, as related to my personal behavior in order to verify whether my leadership style is a visionary leadership style or not. 2.2 Personal leadership style, as related to leadership theories I have been working in a quite challenging sector, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Organizational Learning and Development - Research report on Essay

Organizational Learning and Development - Research report on CREATIVITY and INNOVATION in an organization - Essay Example A team headed by an HR executive hired for the purpose made a survey on the input and output rendered in the system. To the surprise of all, the team arrived at a finding that the level of creativity before computerisation was relatively high. The fall in creativity lead to nil innovation albeit scores of channels were available to finish the job in no time. The team sample picked a section comprising about thirty employees who gave relatively greater output during the regime of their manual working pattern. The team found that the employees who were new to the use of computers in their work field were over loaded with technical bottle-necks, which they were forced to get redressed with the help of computer engineer on visit to the firm only on call. The types of fall in creativity and the cause were analysed and arrived at a point that the administration in its stubborn ambition of modernisation by computerisation paid very little heed to the human resource and related innovative possibilities. Compulsion to give their output only through computers – hitherto unacquainted -- had formed a sort of psychic inhibition in the minds of the employees, a chunk of who were even mentally forced to quit the job. The team empirically permitted a couple of the employees who were giving much yield in their pre-computer era to have a manual back up and condoned the delay for such additional load of work. In addition they were afforded incentives even for paltry improvements in their technical operations. Over a spell of 90 days the two employees began to excel in computer operations and were willing to work only with computers bidding a bye to traditional type of manual work. Thus freedom in their realm of activities and rewards made employees to come up with a flood of new ideas. Imparting training in the field clubbed with freedom certainly improved the level of creativity and innovation. Creativity although is universally accepted as a needful and useful

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Manliness, Hostility, Aggression Essay Example for Free

Manliness, Hostility, Aggression Essay How are these ideas connected? A View from the Bridge was written in 1955 and is set in the 1940s in Red Hook Brooklyn, a poor suburb of New York populated by a large Italo-American Community. There are lots of illegal immigrants living in this community, all pursuing the American Dream. Arthur Miller had spent time living there with the longshoremen and working for a short time on the docks with them. This gave him an insight into the difficult conditions of their lives, the way they lived and how poor their lives were. He had also been to Sicily and was shocked by the poverty and amazed by the strict and violent code of honour which the people there were suspected to abide by. The plot of his play originated from a story he heard about in America where someone informed the authorities about illegal immigrants because he was of jealousy of them. This man had then been disowned by the community because of it he had lost his name. Poverty, jealousy, codes of conduct and ideas of what it is to be manly all combine to create the dramatic tension in this play and contribute to its effect. Eddie Carbone is the main character in the play. It is around him, his ideas about what it means to be manly and also his attraction to his niece Catherine that the action centres. We follow him as the certainties of his world are challenged and he reacts in the only way he knows how by defending what he sees as the most important thing for a man, his good name. It is a violent place that they live in and one where betrayal of family to the authorities is seen as just about the worst thing that you can do. Eddie and Beatrice tell a story at the beginning of the play which illustrates this. A boy who had informed on some illegal immigrants had been disowned by his family and thrown out of the community. He had been thrown downstairs and his head was bouncin like a coconut. Eddie makes it clear that, even though its a sad situation for a 14 year old boy to be beaten up and thrown out, it was inevitable once hed lost his honour and good name, Youll never see him no more, a guy do a thing like that? Hows he gonna show his face? The problem for Eddie is that he needs to be seen as a real man with a good name who is respected but because of his attraction to his niece, Catherine, he allows himself to feel jealous of her lover, Rodolfo, and is ready to risk everything to stop them being together. Eddie has a clear and simple vision of what it means to be a man and he reacts with hostility and aggression to any other character in the play that either challenges him and his ideas or who does not show any signs of what he considers to be manly. Eddie considers a man to be someone who looks after and is the leader of the family. At the very beginning of the play we get an idea of the position of the three members of the family and the relationships between them. The women stay at home and Eddie goes out to work. When he comes home from work the women are waiting for him. Beatrice, for example, is in the kitchen preparing food and Catherine almost straightaway goes to get him a beer. He likes to see himself as the head of the house and whatever he says goes. He tells Beatrice off when she tries to stand up to him when they are talking about Catherines new job, You lived in a house all your life, what do you know about it. You never worked in your life. It is important to Eddie that he sees himself as the protector of the family. For example, he is very proud of the way he has brought up Catherine when her mother died. Even though he disapproves of Rodolfo and is jealous of him he defends him against Mike and Louies jokes because he has taken him into his house and his protection, Hes a kid yet, yknow? Hes just a kid thats all. Later in the play when Beatrice is complaining that they dont sleep together anymore Eddie tells her, I do what I feel like doin or what I dont feel like doin'. He even uses his idea of how a family should be when he is trying to make out that he didnt inform on Marco and Eddie. When Beatrice does not believe what he is saying about why the immigration men came he says to her, a wifes supposed to believe her husband. All of these quotes by Eddie show that he is constantly trying to reinforce his role as the dominant figure in the family. In spite of Eddie wanting to be the head of the house and the man of the family, it gets more and more obvious during the play that things are not quite right. Early on in the play Beatrice, his wife, looks at him, into his eyes and says, Im just worried about you, thats all Im worried. Later on she asks him, When am I goin to be a wife again, Eddie? He is not fulfilling his obligations as a man and husband to Beatrice. The reason she is worried is that he seems to be more interested in Catherine than in her. He comments on everything Catherine does and wants to control it. He wants to tell her what to wear and even how to walk. He hates to think that she might be attractive to other men.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Quality Perception of Ready to Cook Meals

Quality Perception of Ready to Cook Meals The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of quality perception of housewife towards their preference of use of ready to cook meal and to know that which variables of quality perception have an impact on the preference to use. The variables we have taken for the study are taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients. Primary data has been collected through personal survey; we have used the questionnaire as an instrument for the data collection. The convenience sampling method was followed. The questionnaires were filled by 150 respondents i.e. housewife. Optimal scaling or categorical regression was used which is statistical technique used to analyze the impact or effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The results show that there is no effect of the independent variable (taste, freshness, storage life and quality of ingredients) on the preference to use of the ready to cook meal. In other words we can say that the housewives are not influenced by these variables of quality perception i.e. they have no effect on the preference to use. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Every region has different culture and different perceptions related to meal, (Rozin, 1999). Industry response to consumers varying lifestyles and preferences has seen an excess of prepared foods (ready-to-cook items) introduced into the market over the past two decades. During this time period, the food industry has prepared a concerted effort to meet up the desires of a time-hungry consumer through enlarged offerings of semi prepared and ready to cook meals. As the emergence of time, men and women both are preferred to work, (Goyal Singh, 2007) because the daily requirements are grown very high and everyone wants to live a lavish life. For women its mandatory to look after their home and family along with their job. It is also factual that many of us do not have the time or energy to cook like that everyday. Mainly responsibility for the preparation of meal lies with women. Its true that housewife is always responsible for meal, even she spend more hours away from home than her hu sband. For working women it seems daunting to give time to cooking after a long working hours. It is quite tiring to plan and prepare a meal for working women, where every day chores as well as office work have no avoidance. She has a more purchasing power however less time to cook and eat. There are options available for the food that fills the empty tummies which are also healthy and take less time. And even some of them have pretty good taste too.As the work habits of women have increased; it has an effect on life style. I have found a way out to this menu planning and making phobia. The easiest way out that I could think of was ready-to-cook meals. Ready to cook meals is a packaged meal that already cooked or just need to reheats it before use. Many research shows that the concept of ready to cook meal comes from during wars, military has limited resources to prepare food and it is available in pouches and tin cans. It is popularly used in US and Europe countries for ages and has a mature market in food industry. Although it has also captured a market share in Asian countries for past two decades. Ready to cook meals makes life easier that they are easy to make, ready to eat whenever you want to and you just have to do reheat it and it is all done, it is easy to store. These meals can be stored for long time like kept frozen for over three months and once it has cooked then can be stored up to three days in the refrigerator. So, it is a nice deal unlike the consumable commodities. The adoption of ready to cook meal is easier specifically for working women against home cooked meal because she usually dont get the time to make va rieties of meal on everyday basis. Thats why working women are more likely to buy convenience products than the housewives. Daily dine out is not a healthy choice. Because restaurants offers a heavy and fattening meals which are injurious to our health. So, the people who are health conscious and want a high quality meal or try a new eating experience, they prefer to have natural food ingredients then ready to cook meal is a good choice for them, which is hygienic and tasty like restaurant food. While on the other hand, the advantage of making own home cooked meal is that you can prepare meal according to your preferences, some people like less spicy food. So, you can add or eliminate the ingredients as per your desire. You have a complete control over making of your meal and no preservatives used in it. 1.2 Problem statement The research we conducted is about to study the effects of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use. This research is actually an experimental research in which we found that do the housewives prefer to use the ready to cook meal. And how do they find the ready to cook meal in aspects of its taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients in comparison of home cooked meal. There are many companies which offers ready to cook meal in the market. The task of cooking a big meal after a full day of work might appear kind of off-putting. Due to scarcity of time, the difference is arising in purchasing of substitution of purchased goods. Both the employed and non employed wives are going to apply Time-Buying strategies. But the employed wives take more care of their time so they go for convenience meals or purchase meals. Ready-to-cook meals are dependable with modern consumer fashions towards greater involvement in cooking and the desire to use natural, unprocessed ingredients. This type of food can be served in a short amount of time. This type of food prepared available in market that gives benefit to both employed and non employed women. The perception of ready to cook meal depends upon some factors which are highly effective on buying of purchased food. When the women consider using ready to cook meal there are some variables like taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients, which comes in her mind and make comparison with the home cooked meal. In this report we came to the knowledge that both working n nonworking women were willing to cook food tasty as well as quick. Although we got know that we added flavor in food through long, slow and simmering cooking but now women are finding other ways of infusing flavor that we saw in this study. Mostly women collect recipes that take short time, some keep their pantry and freezer stocked with ingredients used in most quick tasty meal recipes. Some tasty and healthy shortcuts can make cooking trouble-free and delicious. The other significant variable to consider is storage of ready to cook meal. This discipline describes how to handle, prepare and safe meal in ways that prevent food borne illness, WHO (2007). This practice is to be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Housewives are very conscious about food safety. They dont take risk for health of their families. They try to Store their food properly and under the best possible position that would extend its life to its extreme potential. Some foods can be stored at room temperature and some must be refrigerated. Freezing can be exploited to increase the life of many items for consumptions. To get the most out of the storage areas, definite conditions must be maintained. These meals are designed to be heated, but can be eaten cold since they are already fully cooked. With the passage of time storage methods are changing with eating patterns. No women look like to be ready to spend hours in cooking foods. Even though, it means we just can not have right to use to real time fresh food. But so is the need of time that we have started showing willingness to buy meals ready to eat where no issues of storage arise. The quality of ingredient is another very important characteristic of meal that is considerable among consumers. This contains such features as texture, and flavor and so on. As well as ingredient quality, there are also hygiene requirements. It is important to make sure that the food processing surroundings is as clean as achievable in order to produce the safest possible food for the consumer. 1.3 Hypotheses H1: The taste perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H2: The freshness perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H3: The storage life perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H4: The hygiene perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H5: The quality of ingredients perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Quality and safety are two important elements in consumer food perceptions and decision making associated with food choice (Grunert, 2005). But the both quality and safety are two different and broad categories. If we take quality as benchmark it may include study hygiene, taste, freshness, health effects and storage life. These five variables also lead to safety of food and if these five variables will be taken under consideration in making home food or purchasing ready to cook meal can be the most important variables to be in consideration. At first it is to be understand that either women now days are cooking food at their home or not or purchasing it from outside. There is a growing demand for the convenience of take-out food, and food service establishments are seeking to satisfy this demand (Food Institute Report, 2007). The ratio of purchasing the food from outside is growing day by day but the preference to use food will remain the same because the compromise on hygiene, taste, freshness, health and storage has to be always in consideration. With the emergence of the supermarket and hypermarket culture, consumer preference for packaged food products has increased significantly in the recent years (Stewart-Knox Mitchell,2003). This factor should not be neglected that with opening of more and more supermarkets, the demand and use of frozen food, ready to cook meal and have increased and consumers are also very well aware of quality and preference to use food (Silayoi Speece, 2004). Consumers have now become more discriminating in their food product choices and have started emphasizing more on convenience, freshness and quality of the products (Quagrainie, 1998). Freshness, hygiene, taste, all these factors are very important before purchasing package food product because health is an important factor and consumers cant compromise in any kind of health issues(Acebron, Levy., Mangin, Calvo Dopico, (2000) . The desire for convenience and an increase in the number of working women are some of the significant factors driving a strong growth of packaged food products (Goyal Singh, 2007). Besides, consumers have now started preferring quality food intake and are becoming more aware in terms of nutritional diet, health and food safety issues (Ruth Yeung, 2001). The producers of the packaged food should take this factor in reflection because as trends changes the producers have to adopt it quickly because of to capture the market and to remain the markets leaders (Rimal, Fletcher, McWatters, K.H., Misra, S.K. Deodhar,2001). As economies develop and incomes increase, people not only demand higher levels of safety and quality in their food (Smith Riethmuller, 1999), but also express concerns about the environmental sustainability, the logical use of natural resources and the protection of farmers and animals health (Overby, Gardial, Woodruff, 2004). These changes in attitudes and values (Tansey, 1994) have also been stimulated by a number of food scares and crises (e.g. pesticide residues, saturated fats, veterinary drugs, food additives, dioxins, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, etc.) that have become a major public health problem worldwide and shaked consumers confidence in food quality and food safety. Furthermore, the increasing technological change especially the genetic engineering and its use in agriculture and food industry is generating much controversy over its costs and benefits with the majority of European consumers having a negative attitude towards genetically modified food (Verdurme Vi aene, 2003). Where consumers are going towards package foods, at other side increase in health issue is an another problem. So still there is a huge majority who is still love to cook food their home and prefer it more than ready to cook meal because for them taste, freshness, hygiene is more than the package foods (Hobbs, Bailey, Dickinson Haghiri, 2005). Consumers are believed to generally prefer products of high quality. However, the underlying cognitive determinants of quality and safety are not sufficiently understood within the area of consumer behavior. (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008). Quality is always the benchmark for the people and in food no one like to compromise on it. The variable which is in discussion of hygiene, storage, freshness, taste and effect on health is the benchmark for the preference to use the food. People can spend premium price but will not compromise on the given variables because health is an important factor for everyone(Rohr, Luddecke, Drusch, Muller Alvensleben, 2005). It is important to understand consumers own perceptions and representations of quality and safety. This is because consumers will base their purchasing decisions on these beliefs (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008).It is not necessary that the variables which is being considered is the benchmark for everyone, For some only 3 will be considered, for oth er 7 attributes can be in their view. Consumers are likely to derive quality or safety perceptions from other product cues, either intrinsic (e.g., appearance of the product) or extrinsic cues (e.g., a quality label) (Nelson, 1970). Its an another view of judging quality by looking to other product looks because no one knows what is inside, how it is cook, etc. In addition, the interrelationship between consumer conceptualization of food quality and food safety warrants further investigation. If consumers perceive quality and safety as independent attributes, different decisions may be made depending on whether consumers focus on quality or safety issues in their food choices. However, if the two concepts are inter-related, and are implied by one another, food choices may always involve decisions about both quality and safety. (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008). Both qualitative and quantitative research has addressed issues associated with cultural determinants of food choice. It is evident that when analyzing factors that influence food choice it is important to take consumers cultural backgrounds into account (Nayga, 1999). It is believed that people from different cultural backgrounds have different perceptions and experiences related to food (e.g., Rozin, P., Fischler, C., Imada, S., Sarubin, A. Wrzesniewski, A., 1999). So the culture factor will be having an impact on our results because most of the house wife will not prefer the ready to cook meal because their mothers dont like this concept, they might have a thought which is not good for health, so these factors can have an impact on preference to use food. There is a growing demand for the convenience of take-out food, and food service establishments are seeking to satisfy this demand (Food Institute Report, 2007). The current trend in today world is to consume the frozen food, package food, ready to cook meal or restaurant food because of the lack of time in current life (Lennernas, Fjellstrom, Becker, Giachetti, Schmitt, Remaut de Winter Kearney, 1997). To live a good life every member of the family has to earn for the good living, so the trend is setting now for the ready to cook meal which can get ready as soon as possible. The challenge is to find containers that keep the food hot, and are cost effective (Matsumoto, 2000). Initially in package food idea was introduce, it was having the flaws how to keep food hot and how to make it cheap because the idea was very costly. And when you think the consumer will be purchasing the food because every one has the different schedule, so the idea of ready to cook meal has come up, when you get home you just have to cook for around few minutes and have good hot food at consumer convenience. Despite the increasing sales, it is only take-out and curbside services that are fueling the market. Consumer interest for dining in restaurants is not growing; the value to the current consumer is the ability to purchase already prepared food, and take it away to consume at home (Prewitt, 2002). Consumers are not interested in purchasing the prepared food because till they take that to home it may not remain fresh because distance from the restaurant to home can be long or short both, other perspective is that it has been observed that people dont like to eat as soon as they reach their home, they first like to fresh up, get relaxed and then loved to have food with their family, so ready to cook meal is very much good for these kind of people as it is safe, hygiene, taste good. This market is supported by single working people, and dual-income couples, with children or without, who are purchasing take-out food five times per week due to time constraints (Binkley Ghiselli, 2005). In Denmark, the respondents of one research (Poulsen, 1999) believed that prepared meals provided convenience by enriching the every day diet. This convenience may be supposed as promoting an easy way of healthy living. However, consumers also perceived unnaturalness and uneasiness towards the taste changes, higher price, doubt about the enrichment effect, and uncertainty toward eating functional food products. On the other hand, attitudes were seen to be more encouraging towards the tangible aspects of functional foods. Some of these aspects, included enrichment with supplements of calcium and vitamins (Poulsen, 1999). CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS This chapter covers the detail information regarding method of data collection, research questions, and objective of this study, research hypothesis, data collection, sample size and technique. It also includes the tool which has been used in the study. 3.1Method of Data Collection: The method of data collection was a personal survey technique. The data was collected from different housewives in whom both working and non working housewives were included. 3.2 Instrument of Data Collection: The instrument used to collect the data was a structured questionnaire. It contained 10 questions, in which 3 questions were regarding personal information of the respondent, 2 questions regarding the usage of ready to cook meal and other 5 questions were regarding the effects of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use. The different quality factors of ready to cook meal were considered like taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients in this questionnaire. 3.3 Sample size: The sample size was of 150 respondents. The respondents were housewives who were to ask to fill the questionnaires. Two categories of housewives i.e. working and non working women had been considered in this study. 3.4 Sampling Technique: The sampling technique used in this study was convenience sampling that based on random data collection. 3.5 Statistical Technique: The statistical technique used for the analysis was regression. To find out the effect or impact of independent variables which were taste, freshness, hygiene, storage life and quality of ingredients on the dependent variable which was preference to use, we applied optimal scaling or categorical regression test because the data was based on categories. In summary shows that the questionnaires filled were 100% valid and all 150 respondents filled the questionnaire. The value of Cronbachs Alpha shows the reliability of the data. It is greater than .50 so, we can process further our study. . CHAPTER 4: RESULTS The effect of housewifes quality perception of ready to cook meal was determined by the optimal scaling which is categorical regression analysis, this technique is used to predict the impact or effect of the independent variables quality perception of ready to cook meal in which we studied taste, freshness, hygiene, storage life, quality of ingredients on the dependent variable i.e. preference to use. Summary The ANOVA table tests the acceptability of the model from a statistical perspective. The table shows that there is no effect of taste on preference to use because the significant value is greater than 0.05. The significant value should be less than 0.05 to accept the model. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, FUTURE RESEARCH AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion In the research an attempt was made to examine the quality perception of housewife towards the usage of the ready to cook meals. As the result shows that there is no effect of quality perception in which taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene and quality of ingredients variables were studied, on the preference to use of ready to cook meal. The significant value of all the variables came greater than 0.05 which means there is no impact of independent variables on the dependent variable and all hypotheses has rejected of the research. 5.2 Discussion In this research the women are involved from different areas of the city. Majority of women used the ready to cook meal and agreed to the statement that ready to cook meal makes life easier especially for working women. It was seemed that the common perception among consumers about the ready to cook meal is changing life style. The quality of food considered as the packaging and its appearance of the meal. On the other hand, women also like traditional style of cooking because they think that home cooked meal have a variety of ingredients and they can make their meal by their own style. 5.3 Implication and Recommendation On the basis of this research we came to know that the companies which are producing ready to cook meals are recommended that they should advertise more their products because mostly people know just one or two companies which are producing these kinds of meals. And they should spend more expenses over RD because it was determined during this survey that there is lowest impact of storage life on the preference to use. The companies should go for line extension in ready to cook meal because variety of consumers seems in market. 5.4 Future Research The future research on the effect of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use will need to take account of the observation that these concepts are strongly related to the safety of food and convenience of time. The other issue on which we can focus in the future study would be that how people from different cultures define the quality of food because every culture has its own style of preparing food, food safety have an impact on purchasing decision, and the brands impact of ready to cook meal on the preference to use.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

SPAM: The Unethical Email Phenomenon Essay -- Internet

SPAM: The Unethical Email Phenomenon It's what's for breakfast. As I wake from my deep sleep of twelve hours, I step out of bed and go about my daily summer routine. I wash my face and peruse through the fridge for something to eat; its noon, meaning the mail is in. I step out of the house to check the mailbox. I’ve always looked forward to receiving the mail, as most people do until they are old enough to pay the bills. I bring back the mail to the dining table as I commence to eat the leftover SPAM my mom cooked and hope for a magazine or catalog to look at. As I sift through the hoard of envelopes at my disposal, I sort them into their respective categories: â€Å"Bill, bill, junk mail, letter, junk mail, letter, catalog, bill, junk mail, magazine!† I toss out all the junk mail and keep the stuff I really am going to read: the sports catalog and car magazine. After finishing breakfast, I head back to my room and turn on my computer, log onto the internet and check my yahoo email inbox. As I log into my account, I notice the glowing red warning that my inbox is at 101% capacity. I receive 8 new emails, 5 of which are obvious junk mail, 2 mysterious emails addressed to my name, and another email which I was expecting from a teacher. I immediately delete the obvious SPAM which I have trained myself to notice right away after years of internet use, then spend time to open and view both mysterious emails which also turn out to be SPAM. After all that energy is spent, I am finally able read my teacher's important e-mail. Remembering that my inbox is blinking red, I delete the bulk mail folder that yahoo has graciously provided as a SPAM filter, which holds 94 new SPAM emails, then finally empty out my email trash. Luckily,... ...SPAM Bill ." San Jose Mercury News 24 September 2003 : 1A. [11] "SPAM - Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail ." 23 October 2003 . Electronic Privacy Information Center. 15 November 2003 <>. [12] "E-MAILS SENT TO HOUSE FILES FOUND TO PRODUCE HIGHEST RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT FOR SOLICITING DIRECT ORDERS." DMA Press Release. 13 October 2003. DMA. 14 November 2003 <>. [13] Krim, Jonathan. "Spam's Cost To Business Escalates ." Washington Post 13 March 2003. Business. 3 November 2003 <>. [14] Black, Jane. "Before Spam Brings the Web to Its Knees." Business Week 10 June 2003. Special Report: The Social Web. 12 November 2003 <>.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Analysis of Adam’s Song Essay -- Adam’s Song

An Analysis of Adam’s Song  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bob McKenty suggests in the poem "Adam's Song" that life is not a stationary event, it is forever changing and that in order to handle those changes humor serves as a good buffer. The tone of "Adam's Song" changes distinctly at least three times. McKenty uses rhythm, rhyme, and meter to express the essence of change in the poem and in life. The first couplet of the poem is iambic tetrameter and expresses a sentimental, romantic and lyrical tone. The speaker in the poem at this point could be described as a possibly young and naive lover. The author uses the uniformed meter, assonance and ending rhyme with few surprises to declare the traditionally romantic and lyrical "love poem" style verse of the first two lines "Come live with me and be my love./Come romp with me in Eden's grove". McKenty uses an irregular change in meter and internal rhyme in lines 3 and 4 to begin the emphasis on the inevitable changes of life "In unabated joy, not shy/But unabashed by nudity..." In the second couplet the idealism of the first two lines also changes to...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Physio Ex 9.0 Ex3

Moorpark College Human Physiology Name: _________________________________ EXERCISE 3 Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses Laboratory Report Answer the following questions. (3 points each). 1. What is the difference between membrane irritability and membrane conductivity? Membrane irritability is the ability to respond to a stimuli and convert it in to nerve impulses. Membrane conductivity is the ability to transmit that impulse that is created by membrane irritability. 2. If you were to spend a lot of time studying nerve physiology in the laboratory, what type of stimulus would you use, and why? You would use a electric stimulus, this is because with the electric stimulus you can adjust and determine the pressure, frequency, duration, and voltage and control them. 3. Briefly explain how the addition of NaCl in the ECF elicit an action potential? With the addition of more Na ions it increases the concentration of Na ions outside the cell. The driving force of the action potential is the increase in the concentration gradient because of the increase of Na ions outside the cell. 4. General anesthetics such as ether and chloroform open K+ gated-channels in the brain. What would be the effect of inhaled ether on the generation of action potentials in neurons in the brain of a rat exposed to this anesthetic? Provide a good and brief physiological explanation. In activity 7 you tested the effect of lidocaine on eliciting an action potential. Answer the following: 5. What is lidocaine (type of macromolecule) Lidocaine (2-(diethylamino)-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)acetamide) is a topical anesthetic used for dental surgeries or other minor surgeries. 6. List three (3) common use of lidocaine. Topical anesthetic. Antiarrythmic medication Relieves itching and burning due to skin inflammation. 7. Lidocaine blocks fast voltage gated sodium (Na+) channels in the cell membrane of nerve fibers. How this explains the analgesic effect of lidocaine? 8. Provide the generic name and brand name of 3 other local anesthetics. Generic Name:Bupivacaine Brand Name:Marcaine Generic Name: Trimecaine Brand Name:Mesdicain Generic Name: Benzocaine Brand Name: Auralgan 9. What is the relationship between size of a nerve and conduction velocity? The larger the size of the nerve it creates a lesser amount of resistance that the ions need to travel the lesser amount of resistance will increase the conduction velocity. 10. What is myelin and how does myelination affect nerve conduction velocity? Explain. Myelin is a mix of proteins and phosopholipids which creates a sheath around nerve fibers which will then increase the speed of conduction. The larger the myelination the larger the gap of the channels is, the farther the signal can jump at a more rapid speed. How to write this report. 1. You may type your answers. Please has a double space from the end of one question and the beginning of the next question. 2. If you handwrite this report first hit return to open space between the questions, print the page and then write your answer. The statement of the questions should be included in the report. 3. Leave the Question statement in BOLD but your answer as plain. 4. Unstapled report = -3 points 5. Give a clean report

Monday, September 16, 2019

Supplier Relationships: a Strategic Initiative

Supplier Relationships: A Strategic Initiative Jagdish N. Sheth Goizueta Business School Emory University Arun Sharma University of Miami Jagdish N. Sheth is Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, Emory Business School, Emory University and Arun Sharma is Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Miami. This paper extends research published by the authors in Industrial Marketing Management (March 1997). Please address correspondence to Arun Sharma, Department of Marketing, University of Miami, P. O. Box 248147, Coral Gables FL 33124, Telephone: (305) 284 1770, FAX: (305) 284 5326.Supplier Relationships: A Strategic Initiative* Abstract In an increasing competitive marketplace, firms are seeking new methods of enhancing competitive advantage. Today, purchasing is becoming a strategic function and a key factor in competitive positioning. This paper suggests that effective relationship with suppliers will provide firms with next-generational competitive advantage. With conso lidation of firms within industries, continuos product evolution and constant pressure on costs, supplier relationships will become more critical in the future.This paper discusses the emergence of supplier relationships, and how this shift toward supplier relationships has and will change the role, processes and strategies of firms. Although purchasing has strategic importance within a firm, good relationships between customers and suppliers are elusive. Firms, therefore, need to emphasize aspects that will enhance supplier relationships. * This paper extends research published by the authors in Industrial Marketing Management (March 1997). Supplier Relationships: A Strategic InitiativeIntroduction Firms are facing increasingly competitive environments characterized by continuos pressure on costs, large global players, continuously evolving products, customer fragmentation and emerging technologies. To ensure success, firms realize that they cannot be experts in all businesses and are concentrating on their core competencies. As an example, Westinghouse is selling its power and defense lines to concentrate on the broadcasting business. To enhance their performance in non-core competency areas, companies are reevaluating business relationships so as to form closer relationships with strategic suppliers [1, 2, 3].Firms have realized that collaborative business relationships improve a firm's ability to respond to the new business environment by allowing them to focus on their core businesses and reduce costs in business processes. In an earlier paper, we had suggested that the source of next-generational competitive advantage will be collaborative relationships that firms have with their suppliers [4]. We suggested four reasons for this phenomena. First, marketers or sellers are driving this change as firms have started identifying and catering to the needs of specific customers.Thus, having a relationship with suppliers will enable firms to receive better servi ce and therefore be more efficient in procurement. Second, firms recognize that supplier relationships will allow them to be more effective. It is easier to implement strategies such as quality platforms, if firms have relationships with their suppliers. Third, there are enabling technologies that allow firms to select their best customers and suppliers. Computer programs allow firms to calculate profitability Page 2 associated with each customer or supplier.Finally, competition and the growth of alliances are forcing firms to develop better supplier relationships to maintain a competitive edge. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that supplier partnerships will provide a strategic advantage to firms. This paper identifies the benefits of supplier partnerships and provides guidelines for future supplier partnering. Shift in Organizational Strategy The reason for the emerging emphasis on supplier relationships is the shift in organizational buying strategies [4]. Organizational purchasing strategies have been dramatically changing for four reasons (please see Figure 1).First, global competitiveness had made firms realize the competitive advantages of creating and managing supply chain relationships. Second, emergence of the Total Quality Management philosophy has encouraged â€Å"reverse marketing† starting with external customers and moving backward into procurement processes. For example, Demand Driven Manufacturing or flexible manufacturing and operations have been instituted in order to serve the diversity of demand with respect to form, place and time value to customers. The role of suppliers is critical in this regard.Third, industry restructuring through mergers, acquisitions and alliances on a global basis has reorganized the procurement function from a decentralized administrative function to a centralized strategic function. This is further intensified by outsourcing many support functions such as data processing, and human resources. Fin ally, uses of information technologies have restructured the buying philosophy, processes and platforms by allowing firms to share market information and use market information to schedule design and manufacturing of products better. Page 3Fundamentally, the consequence of changing paradigms of organizational strategy is likely to result in a two dimensional shift as shown in Figure 2. Organizational purchasing strategy shifts from a transaction oriented to a relational oriented philosophy, and from a decentralized domestic sourcing to a centralized global sourcing process. Relationship with Suppliers As stated earlier, we suggest that developing relationship with suppliers will be critical for the effective functioning of firms. This trend is reflected in Table 1 that shows that large firms have substantially reduced their number of suppliers.This trend also suggests that some suppliers would be exclusive to firms. The primary reasons are that corporations are becoming leaner. The procurement function is becoming more centralized while the profit-and-loss (P) responsibility of firms is becoming less centralized. Business-unit heads are raising more questions about the way things are bought. And as vertically integrated companies – those that have complete internal capabilities and are self-sufficient – become relics and outsourcing of operations become a reality, more opportunities to partner with suppliers will arise.Taking advantage of these opportunities is increasingly important for several reasons: †¢ Declining market prices. Nobody expects prices to rise anymore. There is going to be a tighter squeeze on the margins of customer companies. They would like to get that margin reestablished by working with suppliers. †¢ Rising competitive intensity. With the restructuring of the world economy, the formation of the World Trade Organization, and greater economic integration within and between regions, global and regional consolidation is clearly taking place and resulting in greater Page 4 competition. Advanced technology enablers. Electronic commerce and networked computing are here. Dramatically reduced cycle times are becoming an ordinary achievement. These require partnering with suppliers. †¢ Reverse marketing strategies. The traditional process flow – from R and sourcing to manufacturing, sales and service – is becoming a thing of the past. Today, market-focused organizations are organizing into reverse marketing – starting with the end users. Partnering with suppliers is critical to this strategy. †¢ Strategic positioning. In the past, companies partnered primarily for operational efficiency (i. . , just-in-time procedures or zero-inventory models). Today, intense competition is coming from existing rivals, new entrants and the threat of substitutes. Partnering with suppliers is an increasingly important way of minimizing the competition’s negative impact on an industr y. Example of Companies Benefitting from Supplier Relationships The major research regarding the advantage of supplier relationships comes from a study of the Japanese automotive component industry [5]. They found that the average length of the relationship between suppliers and buyers was 22 years.In addition, the major customer bought about half the output of the supplier firm. About 26% of the supplier’s development effort was devoted to a single customer. Competition was restricted to 2-4 other suppliers. Finally, the quality of delivered product was very good. The data would suggest that supplier relationship enhanced the design efforts of the buying company and reduced uncertainty and costs for the Page 5 supplier company. Eastman Kodak, Ford Motor Company, Levi Strauss, DuPont , McKesson and Bose corporation demonstrate that some savings can be achieved by supplier relationships [2].These firms as well as examples of other firms using specific tactics to benefit from s uccessful relationships are discussed next: Eastman Kodak Company: Eastman Kodak Company has outsourced its data and information processing system to IBM. Kodak has achieved substantial cost savings through reducing personnel, assets and capital expenditures in an area that is not its area of core competency. This shift toward asking data processing and systems management consultants to manage the information and data processing of a firm has accelerated as major firms such as Xerox and Ryder have outsourced their internal data processing systems.Ford Motor Company: Ford formed a relationship with one of their own clutch suppliers. Ford examined the production process of their supplier and was able to reduce the cost of the clutch by 20% benefitting both Ford and the clutch supplier. Similarly, based on their past experience with Donnelly, Honda picked Donnelly as an exterior mirror supplier, although Donnelly had no experience in the area [3]. Honda sent its engineers into Donnelly ’s plant, and Honda and Donnelly engineers reorganized the plant and re engineered the product process.Sales are expected to be $60 million in 1997 and costs are expected to decline 2% annually benefitting both Honda and Donnelly. JC Penny and Levi Strauss: JC Penny and Levi Strauss are linked with an electronic Data Page 6 interchange (EDI) that allows Levi Strauss to obtain sales data. Levi Strauss obtains data on the exact size of jeans sold in individual stores. This data allows Levi Strauss to better plan the production process as well as better control inventory and delivery. This saving leads to a reduction in costs and prices benefitting both JC Penny and Levi Strauss.DuPont: Dupont has reduced the costs of each purchase transaction in the maintenance and repair supplies division from $120 to $16 by working with a smaller number of suppliers. DuPont selected one distributor in each region for a supplier relationship. They then implemented a paperless order, receipt an d payment process. In addition to decreased costs of transaction, inventory at the maintenance and repair facilities were reduced by 50%. McKesson Drug Company: McKesson a major drug distributor, developed a relationship with Johnson and Johnson, one of their major suppliers.Through a joint computer system development effort, both firms receive data on inventory, point of sale, demand, and customer information. This has led to Johnson and Johnson providing better service to McKesson increasing the level of service that McKesson provides to its customers. Due to the success of the relationship, Johnson and Johnson has turned over a million dollars worth of business to McKesson. Bose Corporation: Bose corporation has attempted to eliminate both purchasers and salespeople by bringing suppliers into the manufacturing process.Suppliers have access to Bose’s data, employees and processes. They work with Bose’s engineers on present and future products. The Page 7 reduction in personnel reduces costs for both sides, and a direct contact between the user and producer enhances quality and innovation. Establishing and Maintaining Supplier Relationships Wilson [6] suggests that the majority of alliances fail. We feel that most of the problems are associated with the selection and maintaining of supplier relationships. We present research finding from academic research, USGAO [2] and our own experiences.In order to establish relationships, we suggest that firms be very selective in their criteria. In addition to the normal criteria of competency and quality, we suggest the following additional factors be taken into consideration: †¢ Trust and Commitment to Long-term Goals. Both suppliers and buyers need to demonstrate trust and commitment toward a long-term vision. Trust and commitment have been shown to be the major predictors of successful relationships. †¢ Mutual Benefit. The relationship should be of benefit to both the buyer and the seller.If t he relationship has one-sided benefits, the relationship will not last. †¢ Top Management Support. Most successful relationships are associated with support from the top managers of a firm. As examples, the success of Walmart and Corning in forming relationships is because their CEOs have supported supplier relationships. Also, DuPont and Roadway Express have formed an Executive Board that meets at both companies to enhance their relationship [2]. †¢ Compatible Organizational Culture. The culture of firms should be compatible. This Page 8 uggests that they share common values and share common reward systems. A major relationship initiative between two telecommunication firms did not work because they did not share a common work philosophy. One firm was very intense, whereas the other firm was laid back. The relationship dissolved in six months. †¢ Sharing of Information. Relationships require sharing of information. The benefits of relationships arise from reducing th e uncertainty associated with transaction oriented exchanges. Information increases certainty and reduces needless interaction.As an example, Bailey Controls, a manufacturer of control systems shares data with two of its main electronic distributors that has allowed Bailey to reduce inventory and costs [3]. †¢ Strong and Open Communications. Strong and open communications reduces misunderstanding and enhances the quality of relationships. Maintaining Successful Relationships The following aspects are regarded as important for the successful maintenance of relationships. †¢ Simple and Flexible Contract. Simple and flexible contracts enhance relationships as they are used as guides rather than specifying all contingencies.For example, when Kodak outsourced their computer support services to IBM, they used an eleven-page contract [2]. In contrast, typically simple business contracts run to about 30 pages. †¢ Intensive Management Involvement. Cross functional teams from b oth the supplier and buyer organizations that meet periodically to enhance their relationships. For example, Ford uses salespeople to provide suppliers with consumer feedback [2]. Page 9 †¢ Periodic Performance Monitoring. We have found that performance monitoring is critical for relationships. Suppliers also appreciate a formal performance evaluation method.As an example, Motorola evaluates and generates a score card for all of its suppliers [3]. The supplier’s next order is based on the supplier’s previous performance. Suppliers appreciate this knowledge and compete better. †¢ Internal Controls. It is intuitive but companies need to protect access and distribution of confidential information with rigorous internal controls. †¢ Problem Solving Procedures. Companies need to establish problem solving procedures that reduce conflicts or prevent conflicts. One of the simplest forms is frequent communication at all levels of the customer and supplier organiz ation.Organizational Changes Need to Establish Supplier Relationships As stated earlier, as we traverse from a transaction and domestic orientation to a relationship and global orientation, firms will need to emphasize the development of relationship with suppliers. This emphasis of a relationship orientation toward suppliers will lead to an expertise in many aspects of business buying. These areas are highlighted in Figure 3, raised in our earlier paper [4] and discussed next. 1. Supplier as a Customer. As discussed earlier, there will be a thrust toward developing and maintaining relationship with customers.However, firms’ understanding in this area is very limited. Firms will need to develop commitment, trust and cooperation with their suppliers. Firms will need to invest in mutual goals, interdependence, structural bonds, adaptation, non Page 10 retrievable assets, shared technology and social bonds to ensure successful relationships [6]. 2. Cross-Functional Supplier Team s. Marketers have used interdisciplinary teams to contact and maintain relationships with their customers. As individual suppliers relationships become more important we expect a similar thrust toward cross-functional teams that are dedicated or focused on their key suppliers.The importance of individual suppliers is expected to increase because of the emergence of sourcing on a global and relational basis with a few key suppliers. Firms will need to change goals, reward structure and group norms of the purchasing function. 3. Does Partnering Pay? Firms will need to monitor the return on investment in establishing relationships with suppliers. Therefore, firms will need to develop a performance metric that analytically quantifies supplier relationship equity. We feel that supplier partnering with smaller share suppliers will not be economical.The cost-benefit analysis of supplier relationships should result in increased supplier selectivity. 4. Supply Experience Curves. Managing sup plier relationships will not be an easy task. The task of managing relationships on a global basis will be more complex and not analogous to domestic supplier management as most business customers have realized. Therefore, in industries where supply function is a key strategic advantage, companies need to focus on creating core competency in supply side management and develop sharper experience curves. Page 11 5. Hub and Spokes Organization. We expect organizations to reduce the number of uppliers in each product or service category. In addition, re engineering has forced firms to out source internal activities. We expect the results of these two trends to lead to a hub and spoke organization in which one or two suppliers in each product or service category are the spokes and the procurement organization becomes the hub on a global basis. 6. Bonding with Suppliers. Marketers, specifically those that practice relationship marketing have learned to bond with their customers. Bonding r elates to the empathy that the marketing organizations feel toward their customer groups.With an increasing trend toward creating, managing, and enhancing ongoing relationships with suppliers on a global basis, organizations will have to invest in supplier bonding processes and philosophies. 7. Global Sourcing. We expect global sourcing to be a source of strategic advantage. While several global enterprises, especially in the automotive, high technology and the aerospace industries are establishing processes and platforms, it is still at an infancy stage of practice in other industries. Firms will have to develop expertise in global sourcing strategies as well as global logistics. . Cross-Culture Values. Firms will need to be more aware of cross-cultural values. These values may be in conflict with the firm’s present value system. As an example, firms in the US are accused of focusing on short-term profitability whereas firms in Japan are concerned about long-term positioning . Similarly, in some cultures, reciprocity is declared illegal and unethical Page 12 whereas in other cultures it is the preferred way of doing business. What is considered as an agency fee in one country is recognized as a bribe, subject to prosecution under the anticorruption laws.Similarly, doing business with family members and politically connected individuals are presumed to provide a sense of trust and commitment in some cultures whereas it is considered as nepotism and unethical behavior in others. 9. Cross-National Rules. Firms will also have to learn about cross national rules. Specifically, the two tier regulations (one for domestic and the other for foreign enterprises) are common with respect to ownership, management control, and co-production practices in countries such as China.With the rise of nationalism in recent years, this has become a key issue for global enterprises such as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, General Electric, and Enron, especially as they expand their mark et scope and supply scope in large emerging nations such as India, China, and Indonesia. 10. Services Procurement. As organizations out source more and more internal services, and as suppliers engage in providing value-added services to their customers, firms need to better understand and research services procurement. Additionally, as most advanced countries are services economies, services procurement will rise in prominence.Conclusions The paper examined the reasons for the emergence supplier relations as source of Page 13 competitive advantage. The paper discusses successful relationships, rules for developing relationships and concludes with organizational strategies that will enhance supplier relationships. Page 14 References 1. Napolitano, Lisa, Customer-Supplier Partnering; A Strategy Whose Time has Come, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 4 (Fall), 1-8 (1997). United States General Accounting Office, Partnerships: Customer-Supplier Relationships can be Improv ed through Partnering, Report Number 94-173, Washington, D.C. (1994). Magnet, Myron, The New Golden Rule of Business, Fortune, February 21, 60-64 (1994). Sheth, Jagdish N. , and Arun Sharma, Supplier Relationships: Emerging Issues and Challenges, Industrial Marketing Management, 26 (2), 91-100 (1997). Wasti, S Nazli, Jeffrey K. Liker, Risky business or competitive power? Supplier involvement in Japanese product design, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14 (September), 337-55 (1997). Wilson, David T. , An Integrated Model of Buyer Seller Relationships, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 4, 335-45, (1995). Emshwiller, John R. Suppliers Struggle to Improve Quality as Big Firms Slash their Vendor Roles, Wall Street Journal, August 16, B1, (1991). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 15 Table 1 Reduction in the Number of Suppliers Company Number of Suppliers Current Previous 5,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 1,800 22,000 520 7,500 Percentage Change 90. 00% 70. 00% 66. 66% 45. 00% 44. 44% 36. 36% 26. 92% 20. 00% Xerox Motorola Digital Equipment General Motors Ford Motor Texas Instruments Rainbird Allied-Signal Aerospace 500 3,000 3,000 5,500 1,000 14,000 380 6,000 Source: Emshwiller [7]. Page 16 Figure 1 Changing Paradigm of Organizational Purchasing StrategyGlobal Competitiveness Technology Enablers Changing Paradigms of Procurement TQM Philosophy Industry Restructuring Page 17 Figure 2 Shift in Organizational Purchasing Strategy Global Sourcing Changing Paradigms of Procurement Transaction Oriented Relationship Oriented Industry Restructuring Domestic Sourcing Page 18 Figure 3 Emerging Areas of Expertise in Supplier Relationships Service Procurement Supplier as a Customer Cross Functional Supplier Teams Cross-National Rules Partnering Cross Cultural Values Supply Experience Curve Global Sourcing Bonding with Suppliers Hub and Spoke Organization Page 19

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Literature Review of Health Promotion

Literature Review of Health Promotions Grand Canyon University NRS 429 September 12, 2010 Literature Review Traditionally the United States health care system has been sickness-oriented. However, in the last two decades, a new paradigm has emerged. This new paradigm emphasizes wellness rather than sickness. As a result in this change in focus, health promotion is now an integral part of the nursing profession. This research paper will review current literature from three professional sources relative to the nursing profession and health promotion.This paper will analyze: 1. How is health promotion defined? 2. What is the purpose of health promotion? 3. How has the role of a nurse changed as the result of the emphasis on health promotion? 4. How are nurses implementing health promotion? 5. Identify, compare and contrast the three levels of health promotion prevention. Health promotion simply stated are the activities and behaviors that help individuals stay healthy. These behaviors an d activities include self-responsibility, physical fitness, nutritional awareness and stress reduction and management.In their research for â€Å"Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing,† Smeltzer and Bare (2006) state â€Å"health promotion can be defined as activities that by accentuating the positive assist a person to develop those resources that will maintain or enhance well-being and improve the quality of life. It refers to the activities that a person does personally in the absence of symptoms in an attempt to remain healthy. These activities do not be assistance of a member of the health care team. (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006).Health promotion in the United States has a single purpose. That purpose according to Smeltzer and Bare (2006) is â€Å"to focus on the person's potential for wellness and to encourage him or her to alter personal habits, lifestyle and environment in ways that will reduce risk and enhance health and will being. † T he role of nurse’s has changed dramatically as a result of the emphasis on health promotion. Historically, nurses focused on the diagnosis and treatment of a disease, sickness or condition and emphasis on health promotion was nonexistent. However, today that has all changed.Nurses are now expected to expand their primary care services to include psychosocial nursing, advocacy, behavioral science, counseling and advocacy in addition to patient assessment, clinical diagnosis and patient-case management. In the article â€Å"Defining Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice: Expanding Primary Care Services,† Sherwood, Brown, and Wardell (1997) state â€Å"the role of the nurse practitioner continues to evolve in response to changing societal and health care needs as consumers in all settings seek increasing services†. (Sherwood, Brown and Wardell, 1997).Nurses implement health promotion strategies in a variety of ways. Due to the high level of credibility nurse’ s have with their patients, they greatly influence their patients with their passion. By emphasizing health promotion strategies such as self-responsibility, proper nutrition, exercise and stress management, nurses plant the seeds of wellness in the minds of their patients. While ultimately, it is up to the individual to make healthy changes in their lives, the role of the nurse practitioner plays a huge role in motivating individuals to adopt healthy habits.There are three levels of health promotion prevention. They are the primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention. These levels are stages of the disease process during which preventive actions can be highly effective. Primary prevention focuses on preventing illness or trauma. An example of a primary prevention intervention would be an immunization. The objective of primary prevention strategies is to reach as many individuals (who may be at risk) as possible. The majority of health promotion programs in the United States are implemented at this level.According to Liburd, Collins, Giles, et al (2007) â€Å"In the decades since chronic illnesses replaced infectious diseases as the leading causes of death, public health researchers, particularly those in the field of health promotion and chronic disease prevention, have shifted their focus from the individual to the community in recognition that community-level changes will foster and sustain individual behavior change. † Secondary prevention emphasizes early detection and intervention against illnesses and disease.An example of a secondary prevention strategy would be a screening program. The objective of secondary prevention strategies is to limit the spread of infectious diseases as well as treat those individuals identified with a disease or condition before the illness fully develops. According to Peek, Cargill and Huang (2007) â€Å"health care interventions improved the quality of care for racial/ethnic minorities, improved health outcomes (such as diabetes control and reduced diabetes complications), and possibly reduced health disparities in quality of care. Tertiary prevention focuses on recovery and rehabilitation after a disease, condition or illness has occurred. The objective of tertiary prevention strategies is to prevent and limit further patient deterioration resulting from a sickness, condition or disease. Joseph Betancourt and Joan Quinlan (2007) state â€Å"The paradigm of personal responsibility for one’s health, which includes the responsibility of patients to follow their physician’s instructions and adhere to their treatment plan, now carries great weight among health care providers. A careful review of the literature presented strongly indicates the fact that nurses are key components in the health promotion phenomenon. Their influence can be identified every step of the way. Their roles have changed (expanded) significantly in the last ten years. Nurses are no longer limited to explaining to individuals how to get well but also how to remain healthy. The importance of this change cannot be understated. In the article ‘The Future Role of Nursing in Health Promotion† the authors Chiverton, Votava and Tortoretti (2003) state â€Å"never before has health promotion been more important than it is today.Nurses in education, practice, and research settings participate in the advancement of health promotion not only to the mainstream but to the forefront of nursing practice. Historically, nurse educators have taught patients how to manage illness; in the future, the focus must be on teaching people how to remain healthy. † (Chiverton, Votava and Tortoretti, 2003).

The Death of King Tut

Tutankhamun’s tomb is the only royal tomb in Egypt to have escaped the discovery of looters and was discovered by archeologist Howard Carter. The death of Tutankhamun was a sudden tragedy that til this day has yet to be solved. The cause of the famous teenage king’s death has been a long drawn out mystery with a range of theories as to how he met his end. There are no historical records explaining the cause or circumstances of his death, nor is there no positive evidence to suggest how he died. However, there are several theories and many of which have changed over the years.One theory suggests that King Tut was murdered. During an xray of the mummy in 1968, scientists found â€Å"bone fragments in King Tut’s skull prompting this theory†. Another theory as to what caused King Tut’s death was a genetic disorder known as gynecomastia, a hormone imbalance which gives males a female appearance. The final theory was that he died from a â€Å"break in th e bone just above his left knee. † Technology showed that this happened while he was still alive and was probably the result of falling from a chariot and developed an infection in the wound.Furthermore, after many speculations and testing performed on the mummy to find the cause of death, it still remains a mystery. Although there is evidence to potentially prove each of these theories to be true, I believe there are two reasons why he died. While he was alive, he fractured a thigh bone which had gotten infected. This infection spread throughout his body and eventually killed him. The CT scan showed a thin coating of embalming resin around the leg break which suggested that he broke his leg just before he died. The resin â€Å"flowed through the wound and got into direct contact with the fracture and became solidified. There was no evidence or signs of healing of the bone and that is most likely what had killed him. There were no antibiotics 3,000 years ago, and according to Ashraf Selim, a radiologist at Kasr Eleini Teaching Hospital at Cairo University in Egypt, â€Å"the probability of a severe infection resulting from such a break would be quite high. †In addition, the authors led by Dr. Zahi Hawass from the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, results suggest â€Å"avascular bone necrosis (condition in which the poor blood supply to the bone leads to weakening or destruction of an area of bone) in conjunction ith the malarial infection† was most likely the cause of death in Tutankhamun. In conclusion, there has not yet been a definite cause of death for King Tut, but studies and tests performed on the mummy body mostly point to infection as his cause of death. He died at a very young age, however the medications and technology was not there like it is today. There will continue to be studies and testing done, but there will always only be speculation because he died so long ago.Resources Alleyne, Richard. (February 16, 2010). Kin g Tut Died of Malaria and Bone Condition, Says New Research. http://www. elegraph. co. uk/science/science-news/7251320/King-Tut-died-of-malaria-and-bone-condition-says-new-research. html Hasan, Lama. Crystal Phend (February 16, 2010). How King Tut Died Revealed in New Study. http://abcnews. go. com/Health/LivingLonger/king-tut-died-revealed-study/story? id=9853119 Lovgren, Stefan. (December 1, 2006). King Tut Died From Broken Leg, Not Murder, Scienctists Conclude. http://news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2006/12/061201-king-tut. html. Sayre, Henry. (2011). The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change. The Stability of Ancient Egypt. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ben Carson Essay

English 52 3:00pm class Faith Ben Carson today is a neurosurgeon that once was just a young black kid from the ghetto with no knowledge of anything the world. Today he is one of the most inspiring person in the world, he was the first neurosurgeon to separate conjoined twins from the head, without bleeding to death. He had no dad, and a mom with psychiatric problems. He faced a hard teenage and childhood, in his life he faced problems from racism, anger management, and poverty. This book shows us how having faith with no fear of the unknown, this book ould lead anyone to have a successful spiritual life and career. His faith led him to go through all the struggles and come out successful. Ben Carson had different experiences throughout his childhood, and having faith led him to go through struggles. When he was just a boy, his father left him, his brother, and mother, because of another family he had. As a child Ben tried to figure out why his father had left them for another family, Ben used church as a way to escape his problems.He began to really have faith, when he heard the preacher talk about a missionary doctor; from then on, his faith set him on a path to become a doctor. There also came a time where his faith was put to the test. At 14 years old he struggled with a bad temper. All the hate he felt from his dad leaving him was in his heart, and he had never let it go. One day at school, he sat listening to classical music when one of his friends made fun of him and was going to change the music.Carson, with all the hate he had, he pulled out a pocket knife he had bought and aimed for his stomach, he hit his friend’s belt buckle. He ran home and thought to himself he was crazy. He got home and locked himself in the bathroom and prayed to God to take his temper away and he prayed and sang, â€Å"Jesus is All the World to Me. † From then on his faith only became stronger, and whenever he felt anything negative, going back to this moment made him feel better. God gave him a second chance to life and make more of it. From then on, he knew he was going to be an instrument of God to save people.When he went on a job for the university to recruit students with his current wife, he almost had an accident while falling asleep on the wheel; he felt relieved and thanked God for helping and giving him yet another chance to life. His struggle through Yale University, when he couldn’t find a job, his faith and willingness helped him find one. Even in his junior year, when he had no money, he walked through the university, thinking and asking God how he was going to make it through, and, just like that, he found 10 dollars in the ground. He knew God was guiding him through and watching over him.In another school year, when he also went through rough economic times, he then again walked through his campus to see if he would find money again, but, no luck, his university did a test of honesty and said that all of the test the c lass had taken, had been burned in a fire his whole class, there were notices posted some of the students just said, that they will just say they did not see the post. Carson was the only one left and the teacher and a photographer came to take the picture of the only honest student in class and right then and there the teacher handed him a 10 dollar bill.As he grew older and became a doctor during surgeries and he felt lost his faith helped him and believed God would guide his hands and even though he did have times, he failed, his surgeries he had faith, that made him strong to overcome it. At the end without faith he wouldn’t be where he is at today. In my life, without faith I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Ever since I read this book, it has inspired my faith in a spiritual and professional way. I have gone to church more often and found the peace I was looking for.I no longer have temper issues, either. I have been more successful in my job and will soon be ge tting another job. I have been dedicated more, and I don’t make sudden decisions, which only benefits me. My faith has also made me outgoing in my career. I never give up finding a solution to a problem. There’s a saying that says â€Å"faith can move mountains. † I believe that Ben Carson is a perfect example of this, and it’s an example that I am following step by step in school and work. When I feel frustrated and ngry, I let my faith intervene and help me get through my own struggles, My marriage has also gotten much better. I have set my life goals based on this book and I know I could achieve them. There is a saying that says faith is the last to die, and that’s the difference between hope and faith. I believe those who hope wait around for things to come out good or wait for things to be handed to them are the ones who never step to the world of the unknown because of fear and like of faith. But with faith you have to put in your work and no t give up on your goals.Ben Carson made it from the ghetto to being a successful, respected Neurosurgeon; because of his faith, he never once stopped believing in himself. His mom’s faith in him also helped; she knew he was going to be special. I believe we all have our destiny this life and that God has set a path for us, our choices, decisions and faith are the ones that decide our path. I will follow my own path just as Ben Carson did; I do not where it will take me, but I know that faith will keep me on the right path. Because faith is the last thing to die.